Sunday, February 12, 2006

what am i doin'?

saturday i had a special taekwondo class. we practiced our forms for one hour. we went through all eight twice. rested. then did them again. rested. practiced kicking. and at the end my master called out three different forms for us to do. i felt pretty confident up until the the end. not sure if was because i was completely tired or hungry but during my last two forms i completely messed up. i started doing form 7 when i should have been doing form 6. then when i was doing form 8 i threw in some moves from form 7. i think my head was going through form overload or something. needless to say i left class feeling not so confident. am i really ready for saturday? i don't know at this point. its too late to turn back. i'm just going to have to try to do my best. its funny because i'm not so much worried about getting the belt as i am by embarrassing my masters. this is going to be the fastest week of my life.

be well…

6 days and counting!


dac said...

stay focused. think of glazed hams...or something. you can do it. kee-ahh!

Misty L said...

yay E! You can do it - I'll be sending positive vibes your way this weekend. Yippee!

Kate said...

I'll join Misty w/ the + vibes. You'll do great! Visualize your grounding cord. It will really help! xoxo

Pevil said...

You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

The fact that you've gotten all this way living in a land whose language is completely different than anything you've ever known for a relatively short time is amazing to me and a huge accomplishment for anyone. The black belts at the academy here say that it took them several years to get their level. The best advice I can think of is what the Korean master tells my kids, "Turn your vision inside your head, watch yourself do your form like you're watching tv, and copy the form as you see it in your head." Maybe that will help during the test?