Sunday, February 26, 2006

my friend bill, part 2

today bill came up to me and said "i met you three days ago." techincally it was a week but i let that slide. he was bouncing around the gym on a giant green ball. he made his way to me and asked if i was stretching. i said yes. while i was stretching out my legs he told me it was time to sit down. at one point during class he was just standing there crying. or at least pretending to cry. not really sure what was up with that. periodically he just let out these wild cries. all the other kids seem to laugh at him but he just doesn't care. he does what he wants. i love him for that. while the kids in my class were playing a game, i had to practice my back kick. they were playing some sort of dodge ball game with 5 balls. one of the balls nailed me in the face. and i wasn't even playing. hehe. after class bill waited for me. he asked what we were going to do tomorrow. i told him i didn't know. he replied by saying, "me neither." as we walked down the stairs he pointed to the boy next to me and said he was the bad boy. he keeps hitting him, pinching him, etc. but the girl in front was good. i then told him i had to go get changed for work. he told me to be good and went on his way. this boy kills me. i need to get a photo of him.

be well...

1 comment:

Pevil said...

Bill is a trip! He certainly is giving you the scoop on the good and bad kids!