the korean tourism organization [tour2korea] launched an anime video campaign, 2006 fantasy korea, to promote tourism. it started back in march and ended in december. i just stumbled upon it this morning. the three characters ji, ru, bak [a korean expression for jitterbug] give viewers a glimpse into korea. the animation is pretty cool. there's also a darth vader character who comes to korea. i tried to copy the video to my blog but had some trouble. so check out is this link to see the videos. there are four of them. hopefully they're continue it into 2007. it's a great idea. do i see some action figures in the near future? let's hope so.
happy new year!
stay gold & be well…
striding out of the hotel lobby, brandishing two hardened pitas, cometh jethan! and he gives a cruel scream:
"i'm going to pummel you until you purr like a bitch-kitten!"
Saturday, December 30, 2006
boys better
its that time again for lists. note, there's no particular order.
[these are songs i played over and over. not all were released in 2006]
01. set the fire to the third bar - snow patrol
02. dog days - 50footwave
03. the funeral - band of horses
04. better than most - ac newman
05. just like anyone - aimee mann
06. neighborhood #2 [laika] - the arcade fire
07. liar - built to spill
08. it dawned on me - calla
09. smoke it - the dandy warhols
10. babe, i'm gonna leave you - led zeppelin
11. monkey - low
12. teller - throwing muses
tv shows
01. project runway
02. one tree hill
03. survivor
04. lost
05. the amazing race
06. the new adventures of old christine
07. my name is earl
08. brothers and sisters
09. medium
10. weeds
[as one can see i didn't attend too many shows this past year]
01. nunco cobain
02. the mustangs
until next year.
stay gold & be well…
its that time again for lists. note, there's no particular order.
[these are songs i played over and over. not all were released in 2006]
01. set the fire to the third bar - snow patrol
02. dog days - 50footwave
03. the funeral - band of horses
04. better than most - ac newman
05. just like anyone - aimee mann
06. neighborhood #2 [laika] - the arcade fire
07. liar - built to spill
08. it dawned on me - calla
09. smoke it - the dandy warhols
10. babe, i'm gonna leave you - led zeppelin
11. monkey - low
12. teller - throwing muses
tv shows
01. project runway
02. one tree hill
03. survivor
04. lost
05. the amazing race
06. the new adventures of old christine
07. my name is earl
08. brothers and sisters
09. medium
10. weeds
[as one can see i didn't attend too many shows this past year]
01. nunco cobain
02. the mustangs
until next year.
stay gold & be well…
Thursday, December 28, 2006
the view from the afternoon
no film review this week.
i was on holiday.
it'll return next thursday.
stay gold & be well…
no film review this week.
i was on holiday.
it'll return next thursday.
stay gold & be well…
death of a party
FUCKIN COLD! that's how i would describe today. the day started off early as i was meeting bc way up north to check out some sites before hitting dongdaemun for some shopping. we had a mini little adventure in the freezing cold. of course i opted not to wear the giant parka. stupid! we stumbled upon what we thought was some kind of museum but it looked ghetto so we skipped it and headed off to check out some tombs. unfortunately i can't remember the name of the place. my bad. although not like it matters. walking around it felt like a ghost town. i kept looking for tumble weeds. all i saw were pile of leaves. the statues which were on top of the tombs were the most interesting but you couldn't get close enough to see them. i took a few snaps with the old 35mm so i'll post them later. bc and i still managed to have fun. when don't we. lunch was had at a small little place run by some ajummas. the food was most excellent. from there we jumped on the subway and headed to dongdaemun, the land of shopping. we spent a few hours there. i found a coat. score!! i'm sure i drove poor bc crazy. sometimes i'm quite indecisive about things. the coat wasn't exactly what i was looking for but then again i'm not sure i knew just what i wanted. i definitely liked the cut and style of it and i got him to come down in price. although somehow i got suckered into buying a black turtleneck that he claimed would fit me. well i must say it fits—fits like a glove. not sure how i feel about tight clothes. oh well. bc and i parted ways and i headed to insadong to meet up with a friend for coffee. seeing that there are numerous starbucks in the area i waited forever at the wrong one. the fact that he didn't have a cell phone made it worse since i couldn't call. of course when he did i missed the call. oops. finally after an hour we connected at the coffee bean. tomorrow i have to go back to work. but then i will have monday off for new years. it really makes no sense but whatever.
stay gold & be well…
FUCKIN COLD! that's how i would describe today. the day started off early as i was meeting bc way up north to check out some sites before hitting dongdaemun for some shopping. we had a mini little adventure in the freezing cold. of course i opted not to wear the giant parka. stupid! we stumbled upon what we thought was some kind of museum but it looked ghetto so we skipped it and headed off to check out some tombs. unfortunately i can't remember the name of the place. my bad. although not like it matters. walking around it felt like a ghost town. i kept looking for tumble weeds. all i saw were pile of leaves. the statues which were on top of the tombs were the most interesting but you couldn't get close enough to see them. i took a few snaps with the old 35mm so i'll post them later. bc and i still managed to have fun. when don't we. lunch was had at a small little place run by some ajummas. the food was most excellent. from there we jumped on the subway and headed to dongdaemun, the land of shopping. we spent a few hours there. i found a coat. score!! i'm sure i drove poor bc crazy. sometimes i'm quite indecisive about things. the coat wasn't exactly what i was looking for but then again i'm not sure i knew just what i wanted. i definitely liked the cut and style of it and i got him to come down in price. although somehow i got suckered into buying a black turtleneck that he claimed would fit me. well i must say it fits—fits like a glove. not sure how i feel about tight clothes. oh well. bc and i parted ways and i headed to insadong to meet up with a friend for coffee. seeing that there are numerous starbucks in the area i waited forever at the wrong one. the fact that he didn't have a cell phone made it worse since i couldn't call. of course when he did i missed the call. oops. finally after an hour we connected at the coffee bean. tomorrow i have to go back to work. but then i will have monday off for new years. it really makes no sense but whatever.
stay gold & be well…
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
well well well
its a french holiday for me this year. first, there was the film and then today at the seoul museum of art, the robert combas exhibit had the titles in korean and french only. hmmm. is it a sign? so as you can gather my day was spent garting [going arting]. princess and i started out at the robert combas:savoir-faire exhibit. i was unfamiliar with his work so it was nice to experience something new. his work was quite colorful and very detailed. you really had to look at some of them to see all the things within the paintings. it was good. from the seoul museum of art we head over to the rodin gallery to check out what was there. they had an exhibit by michael joo, yet another unfamiliar artist. the poster for the exhibit intrigued us enough to go check it out.

once again we struck gold. the work was really quite good. he even had videos which i usually bypass but found them quite interesting. except when the wolf was munching down on the remains of the caribou. the bonus was the caribou cameras. way cool. of course i bought an exhibition book before leaving.
from rodin we hopped onto the subway to head off to ewa women's university area to do some shopping. the garting part of our day was over. i tried on several coats. one i really liked but it was too small. grrrr. one shop lady tried to convince me that the tight sweater i had tried on fit perfectly. sorry, not falling for it. i did purchase a new anime figure to join my collection though.

we ended our outing at a cafe. one that took forever to find. i think i walked past it 8 times before i called bc to get directions. this is the place that has loads of art books to read and sketch books on the table to make your own art. princess had a coffee. i had a cocktail. we both made art, of sorts.
stay gold & be well…
its a french holiday for me this year. first, there was the film and then today at the seoul museum of art, the robert combas exhibit had the titles in korean and french only. hmmm. is it a sign? so as you can gather my day was spent garting [going arting]. princess and i started out at the robert combas:savoir-faire exhibit. i was unfamiliar with his work so it was nice to experience something new. his work was quite colorful and very detailed. you really had to look at some of them to see all the things within the paintings. it was good. from the seoul museum of art we head over to the rodin gallery to check out what was there. they had an exhibit by michael joo, yet another unfamiliar artist. the poster for the exhibit intrigued us enough to go check it out.

once again we struck gold. the work was really quite good. he even had videos which i usually bypass but found them quite interesting. except when the wolf was munching down on the remains of the caribou. the bonus was the caribou cameras. way cool. of course i bought an exhibition book before leaving.
from rodin we hopped onto the subway to head off to ewa women's university area to do some shopping. the garting part of our day was over. i tried on several coats. one i really liked but it was too small. grrrr. one shop lady tried to convince me that the tight sweater i had tried on fit perfectly. sorry, not falling for it. i did purchase a new anime figure to join my collection though.
we ended our outing at a cafe. one that took forever to find. i think i walked past it 8 times before i called bc to get directions. this is the place that has loads of art books to read and sketch books on the table to make your own art. princess had a coffee. i had a cocktail. we both made art, of sorts.
stay gold & be well…
Monday, December 25, 2006
christmas. hmmm. well, i must say this was definitely an interesting one. christmas was spent at a mall. no lie. over 8 hours at the coex. if i don't see another mall in quite some time i'll be happy. had it not been for giant christmas trees, the blasting of feed the world in every shop, some santa hats, etc. it could have been any monday. nothing closes here. when i was coming home last night around 9ish i noticed that the guy who cuts my hair was working. ok, who gets a haircut on christmas. now don't get me wrong. it wasn't an entirely bad christmas. thankfully i got to spend the day with two great peeps: bc and princess. we always manage to have fun when we are together. perhaps its because we are so fabulous. so what brought us to the mall you ask? well, we wanted to see the 4pm showing of the science of sleep. princess and i actually arrived near noon. when we got to the box office it was mobbed. only 5 seats left for the 4pm show. needless to say by the time we reached the counter only 1 seat remained. we opted for the 6:10 show. bc arrived around 1pm. we grabbed some lunch then spent the next hours of our lives roaming the mall. there's was a point when i felt like i was trapped in a maze of endless people and shops. inside it was like an oven. we tried to find lockers for our stuff but they were all full. for some reason i couldn't get my body temperature to cool day. with each passing hour i was getting warmer and warmer. at first excited about shopping and buying things that phase soon passed. the anime shop that i love to visit when there didn't even spark an interest. i did manage to find a coat i sort of liked but didn't buy. princess and i meet a "special" friend while smoking. why do i always attract the crazy people. we did manage to spend some time at a coffee shop across from the mall. yes, we actually left for awhile only to return to the madness.
by the time the movie started i felt completely wiped out. i was looking forward to sitting and getting lost within the movie. however, my plan was somewhat foiled when the movie went from english to french and spanish. of course the subtitles were in korean. there's was a point where i thought about leaving but decided to tough it out. i'm glad i did. fortunately the movie is very visual. plus i got to watch gael garcia bernal for two hours. dreamy.
the french and spanish didn't really bother me to much. for the most part i understood the story and didn't feel like i missed much of anything besides a few french jokes. it really is an amazing film. in the theater they have several promo booths for movies. bc and i had our picture taken at the science of sleep booth.
opening presents, drinking, eating, and being with family that it seems strange to do other things. i must say next year you must leave at when i got home i spoke with my family. they were all gathered at my sister's house in florida. seeing that i hadn't opened the gifts from my sister yet i did so on the phone. it was kinda of like being there but not really. i seldom get homesick living here but did realize that if you're not going to some tropical paradise for christmas then it's best to be home. i miss being with family at this time of year. seeing the little ones all excited about santa's arrival, drinking, and eating. perhaps next year i'll be home for the holidays...
christmas scores
1. let dai — a korean manga
2. art now — artists at the rise of the new millennium
3. sandman vol.4 & vol.5
4. raise the red lantern — three novellas
5. logan's run dvd
6. cherry note paper
7. some calvins
8. viva la icon farrah t-shirt — sweet!!
stay gold & be well…
p.s. photos by bc
christmas. hmmm. well, i must say this was definitely an interesting one. christmas was spent at a mall. no lie. over 8 hours at the coex. if i don't see another mall in quite some time i'll be happy. had it not been for giant christmas trees, the blasting of feed the world in every shop, some santa hats, etc. it could have been any monday. nothing closes here. when i was coming home last night around 9ish i noticed that the guy who cuts my hair was working. ok, who gets a haircut on christmas. now don't get me wrong. it wasn't an entirely bad christmas. thankfully i got to spend the day with two great peeps: bc and princess. we always manage to have fun when we are together. perhaps its because we are so fabulous. so what brought us to the mall you ask? well, we wanted to see the 4pm showing of the science of sleep. princess and i actually arrived near noon. when we got to the box office it was mobbed. only 5 seats left for the 4pm show. needless to say by the time we reached the counter only 1 seat remained. we opted for the 6:10 show. bc arrived around 1pm. we grabbed some lunch then spent the next hours of our lives roaming the mall. there's was a point when i felt like i was trapped in a maze of endless people and shops. inside it was like an oven. we tried to find lockers for our stuff but they were all full. for some reason i couldn't get my body temperature to cool day. with each passing hour i was getting warmer and warmer. at first excited about shopping and buying things that phase soon passed. the anime shop that i love to visit when there didn't even spark an interest. i did manage to find a coat i sort of liked but didn't buy. princess and i meet a "special" friend while smoking. why do i always attract the crazy people. we did manage to spend some time at a coffee shop across from the mall. yes, we actually left for awhile only to return to the madness.
by the time the movie started i felt completely wiped out. i was looking forward to sitting and getting lost within the movie. however, my plan was somewhat foiled when the movie went from english to french and spanish. of course the subtitles were in korean. there's was a point where i thought about leaving but decided to tough it out. i'm glad i did. fortunately the movie is very visual. plus i got to watch gael garcia bernal for two hours. dreamy.
the french and spanish didn't really bother me to much. for the most part i understood the story and didn't feel like i missed much of anything besides a few french jokes. it really is an amazing film. in the theater they have several promo booths for movies. bc and i had our picture taken at the science of sleep booth.
opening presents, drinking, eating, and being with family that it seems strange to do other things. i must say next year you must leave at when i got home i spoke with my family. they were all gathered at my sister's house in florida. seeing that i hadn't opened the gifts from my sister yet i did so on the phone. it was kinda of like being there but not really. i seldom get homesick living here but did realize that if you're not going to some tropical paradise for christmas then it's best to be home. i miss being with family at this time of year. seeing the little ones all excited about santa's arrival, drinking, and eating. perhaps next year i'll be home for the holidays...
christmas scores
1. let dai — a korean manga
2. art now — artists at the rise of the new millennium
3. sandman vol.4 & vol.5
4. raise the red lantern — three novellas
5. logan's run dvd
6. cherry note paper
7. some calvins
8. viva la icon farrah t-shirt — sweet!!
stay gold & be well…
p.s. photos by bc
Saturday, December 23, 2006
white suckers
did saturday even happen? i went through the day like a walking zombie. we had our school christmas party and then office party on friday. the children had a great time. the day consisted of a song contest, snacks & a movie, and then gift exchange. it was busy, busy, busy. here are a few photos. i took a lot with my 35mm so i'll post them once i finish the roll.
the song contest was priceless. watching my two kinder kids [luke and sara] sing the twelve days of christmas brought tears to my eyes. i felt like a proud parent. they had to memorize two parts each. sara had day 4 and day 9, luke day 5 and day 10. they sang their hearts out. here's a brief video of the whole group singing up to day 5.
my 2 o'clock and 2:40 class sang deck the halls. here they are practicing before the big contest.
my 4:15 class joined another class to sing jingle bell rock. you gotta love their hats.
i didn't get a video of my last two classes. one group sang winterwonder, the other sang a combo of santa claus is coming to town and i'm getting nothing for christmas. the group singing the combo song added a gag routine to their performance. it was quite amusing.
i was completely starved by the time we went to dinner. somehow i managed to get completely tanked at the company party. and the sad thing is i hardly had anything to drink. perhaps it was the moonshine mixed with soju that sent me over the edge. however, i was smart enough to bail out early. i thought the walk home would somber me up but no. i awoke the next morning not even remembering going to bed. i will say this though, i slept like a baby.
tonight i'm off to catch up with some friends for dinner. as for christmas day not sure what i'm doing. at night i have another dinner and in the afternoon bc and i might try to catch a movie. the science of sleep has made it to korea. yeah!!!
merry christmas!
stay gold & be well…
did saturday even happen? i went through the day like a walking zombie. we had our school christmas party and then office party on friday. the children had a great time. the day consisted of a song contest, snacks & a movie, and then gift exchange. it was busy, busy, busy. here are a few photos. i took a lot with my 35mm so i'll post them once i finish the roll.
the song contest was priceless. watching my two kinder kids [luke and sara] sing the twelve days of christmas brought tears to my eyes. i felt like a proud parent. they had to memorize two parts each. sara had day 4 and day 9, luke day 5 and day 10. they sang their hearts out. here's a brief video of the whole group singing up to day 5.
my 2 o'clock and 2:40 class sang deck the halls. here they are practicing before the big contest.
my 4:15 class joined another class to sing jingle bell rock. you gotta love their hats.
i didn't get a video of my last two classes. one group sang winterwonder, the other sang a combo of santa claus is coming to town and i'm getting nothing for christmas. the group singing the combo song added a gag routine to their performance. it was quite amusing.
i was completely starved by the time we went to dinner. somehow i managed to get completely tanked at the company party. and the sad thing is i hardly had anything to drink. perhaps it was the moonshine mixed with soju that sent me over the edge. however, i was smart enough to bail out early. i thought the walk home would somber me up but no. i awoke the next morning not even remembering going to bed. i will say this though, i slept like a baby.
tonight i'm off to catch up with some friends for dinner. as for christmas day not sure what i'm doing. at night i have another dinner and in the afternoon bc and i might try to catch a movie. the science of sleep has made it to korea. yeah!!!
merry christmas!
stay gold & be well…
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
speak low

movie: old boy [올드보이]
starring: choi min-sik, yoo ji-tae, kang hye-jeong, yoon jin-seo, kim byeong-wook, oh dal-soo
director: park chan-wook
genre: drama
country: korea
year: 2003
ckbs: 1
cute girls: 2
shirtless guys: 5
gang fights: 3
symbolism: ants
# of flashbacks: 2
things to be weary of: gifts in violet wrapping
imprisonment food: fried dumplings
gross scene: eating a live squid
butt shots: 2
breast shots: 2
crotch grabbing: 1
scene that made me close my eyes: pulling teeth with a hammer
weapon of choice: hammer
sex scenes: 1
memorable quote: "even though i'm no worse than a beast, don't i have the right to live"
member of: life's imprisonment
fun fact: four live squids were eaten to create the infamous sushi bar scene
based on: manga by minegishi nabuaki and tsuchiya garan
noteworthy scene: the final scene
rundown: man is kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years. when released he must find out "why".
bottom line: rent it now!
comments: from all that i heard about this movie i went into the film with very high expectations. usually when this happens i'm let down. however, that wasn't the case here. old boy is definitely one of those films that should not be missed. it tackles the subject of revenage and does so with great style and story telling. i don't really want to say too much about the film because i don't want to spoil anything. just be prepared for a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
rating: 4.5 soju bottles
stay gold & be well...

movie: old boy [올드보이]
starring: choi min-sik, yoo ji-tae, kang hye-jeong, yoon jin-seo, kim byeong-wook, oh dal-soo
director: park chan-wook
genre: drama
country: korea
year: 2003
ckbs: 1
cute girls: 2
shirtless guys: 5
gang fights: 3
symbolism: ants
# of flashbacks: 2
things to be weary of: gifts in violet wrapping
imprisonment food: fried dumplings
gross scene: eating a live squid
butt shots: 2
breast shots: 2
crotch grabbing: 1
scene that made me close my eyes: pulling teeth with a hammer
weapon of choice: hammer
sex scenes: 1
memorable quote: "even though i'm no worse than a beast, don't i have the right to live"
member of: life's imprisonment
fun fact: four live squids were eaten to create the infamous sushi bar scene
based on: manga by minegishi nabuaki and tsuchiya garan
noteworthy scene: the final scene
rundown: man is kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years. when released he must find out "why".
bottom line: rent it now!
comments: from all that i heard about this movie i went into the film with very high expectations. usually when this happens i'm let down. however, that wasn't the case here. old boy is definitely one of those films that should not be missed. it tackles the subject of revenage and does so with great style and story telling. i don't really want to say too much about the film because i don't want to spoil anything. just be prepared for a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
rating: 4.5 soju bottles
stay gold & be well...
Sunday, December 17, 2006
barbarism begins at home
it was still snowing when i awoke. by 10 am the once untouched snow was now a giant playground for the kids. met up with bc in insadong. we gorged on food. by the time we left it looked like we hardly touched it. our next stop was to order stamps. originally i had thought i wanted a wood one. this shop didn't have any. instead i got this really cool marble one. it'll be ready to pick up next week. yeah!! finally after all this time i purchased one. i must give bc credit. for once she wasn't a bk. could it be because she wanted one too—hmmm. we then headed to artsonje center to see the "somewhere in time" exhibit. it was on this side street that i had never walked down before. a lot of cool little cafes and such. the exhibit was good. there were a lot of video installations and we all know how i feel about them. on my way home i got a pumpkin latte. hi, delicious! here are some snow pix.
stay gold & be well…
it was still snowing when i awoke. by 10 am the once untouched snow was now a giant playground for the kids. met up with bc in insadong. we gorged on food. by the time we left it looked like we hardly touched it. our next stop was to order stamps. originally i had thought i wanted a wood one. this shop didn't have any. instead i got this really cool marble one. it'll be ready to pick up next week. yeah!! finally after all this time i purchased one. i must give bc credit. for once she wasn't a bk. could it be because she wanted one too—hmmm. we then headed to artsonje center to see the "somewhere in time" exhibit. it was on this side street that i had never walked down before. a lot of cool little cafes and such. the exhibit was good. there were a lot of video installations and we all know how i feel about them. on my way home i got a pumpkin latte. hi, delicious! here are some snow pix.
stay gold & be well…
Saturday, December 16, 2006
mint car
it's snowing. the first real snowfall where it is actually sticking. it snowed a few weeks ago but nothing stuck. there's a blanket of white covering the ground. although winters tend to be long and drawn out, i do enjoy the first real snowfall. outside all is quiet. it feels peaceful. seeing that i blew off the mustang gig tonight, i decided to take a long stroll in the snowy night. i watched a young couple have a snowball fight. then there were the kids at 1opm sliding down the hill. i love sledding. as i was walking along i heard a rumble in the sky. it was thunder. it seemed so odd and out of place. i have never heard before thunder while it was snowing. i just stepped out a few seconds ago to have a smoke and the entire park is covered in white. it looks so beautiful at this time of night. not a footprint in sight. i feel invigorated. can't wait for tomorrow to walk among the fallen snow in the sunshie. until then i hope everyone has a great evening. i know i will.
stay gold & be well…
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
gazebo tree

movie: see you after school [방과후 옥상] bang-kwa-hoo Ok-sang
starring: bong tae-gyu, kim tae-hyeon, jeong koo-yeon, ha seok-jin, jo dal-hwan, cha seung-yeol
director: lee seok-hoon
genre: comedy
country: korea
year: 2006
ckbs: 5
cute girls: 1
topless men: 3
fights: 5
symbolism: sharks & blowfish
# of people sporting an afro: 1
# of people with a hairpiece: 3
# of daydreams: 4
# of daydreams that include dance sequence: 1
toilet humor: 3
gross scene: picking nose and eating it
weapon of choice: fists
acronym: lc [loser's club]
memorable quote: "his fist was so powerful, tae-son was shitting a load in his pants."
member of: reject escape camp
location for most of film: school
noteworthy scene: namkoong dahl's first day of school
rundown: school loser must face the school champ after school
bottom line: rent it if you've seen everything else
comments: this movie was basically korea's version of the 1987 movie three o'clock high. it had it's moments but overall it was just your basic run-of-the-mill comedy. be sure to check out three o'clock high if you haven't already. a true classic.
rating: 2 soju bottles
stay gold & be well...

movie: see you after school [방과후 옥상] bang-kwa-hoo Ok-sang
starring: bong tae-gyu, kim tae-hyeon, jeong koo-yeon, ha seok-jin, jo dal-hwan, cha seung-yeol
director: lee seok-hoon
genre: comedy
country: korea
year: 2006
ckbs: 5
cute girls: 1
topless men: 3
fights: 5
symbolism: sharks & blowfish
# of people sporting an afro: 1
# of people with a hairpiece: 3
# of daydreams: 4
# of daydreams that include dance sequence: 1
toilet humor: 3
gross scene: picking nose and eating it
weapon of choice: fists
acronym: lc [loser's club]
memorable quote: "his fist was so powerful, tae-son was shitting a load in his pants."
member of: reject escape camp
location for most of film: school
noteworthy scene: namkoong dahl's first day of school
rundown: school loser must face the school champ after school
bottom line: rent it if you've seen everything else
comments: this movie was basically korea's version of the 1987 movie three o'clock high. it had it's moments but overall it was just your basic run-of-the-mill comedy. be sure to check out three o'clock high if you haven't already. a true classic.
rating: 2 soju bottles
stay gold & be well...
here it comes again
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
house carpenter
oh, what a happy ending to a somewhat dull day. kwanjangnim gave me a pair of nunchaku. they freakin rock. they are far better than any i would have ever purchased for myself. they are a lot heavier than the ones at school, too. most likely cuz they aren't for kids. keep your fingers crossed that i don't seriously injure myself. oh, and did i mention that they fit together. so its like having two weapons in one. time to go kick some ass.

stay gold & be well…
oh, what a happy ending to a somewhat dull day. kwanjangnim gave me a pair of nunchaku. they freakin rock. they are far better than any i would have ever purchased for myself. they are a lot heavier than the ones at school, too. most likely cuz they aren't for kids. keep your fingers crossed that i don't seriously injure myself. oh, and did i mention that they fit together. so its like having two weapons in one. time to go kick some ass.

stay gold & be well…
she's lost control
you know you're bored or simply just putting off what needs to be done when you find yourself organizing your bookmarks. yes. that is how i spent my break time today. it's amazing all the crap that i had saved.
its only tuesday and i keep wishing it was friday. its not like i have any special plans for the upcoming weekend. its just that i'm finding myself completely bored these days. teaching has become somewhat routine. its like i'm on autopilot. that can't be good. hopefully the upcoming vacation will spark some life into me. i still love it here but i feel that my life needs something else. as to what that is, i have no idea.
the mustangs are playing a show this weekend. i'm on the fence about whether or not i want to go. i saw the flyer for the show a couple of weeks ago. i must say they look hot in the photo. and the poster looked way cool.

the whole thing definitely sounds interesting. the drag queen show has me slightly intrigued. although one can never be sure about these things. sometimes they don't pan out like you imagine. however, they always put on a great show so perhaps it would be good to chill out and listen to some good live music. plus i might just be surprised by the whole thing. who knows. i still have a few more days to think about.
stay gold & be well…
you know you're bored or simply just putting off what needs to be done when you find yourself organizing your bookmarks. yes. that is how i spent my break time today. it's amazing all the crap that i had saved.
its only tuesday and i keep wishing it was friday. its not like i have any special plans for the upcoming weekend. its just that i'm finding myself completely bored these days. teaching has become somewhat routine. its like i'm on autopilot. that can't be good. hopefully the upcoming vacation will spark some life into me. i still love it here but i feel that my life needs something else. as to what that is, i have no idea.
the mustangs are playing a show this weekend. i'm on the fence about whether or not i want to go. i saw the flyer for the show a couple of weeks ago. i must say they look hot in the photo. and the poster looked way cool.

the whole thing definitely sounds interesting. the drag queen show has me slightly intrigued. although one can never be sure about these things. sometimes they don't pan out like you imagine. however, they always put on a great show so perhaps it would be good to chill out and listen to some good live music. plus i might just be surprised by the whole thing. who knows. i still have a few more days to think about.
stay gold & be well…
Sunday, December 10, 2006
birthday girl
the other night while leaving taekwondo i happened to look up at the building and saw this sign out front. in the two years i've been walking in and out of that building i've never noticed it before.

now is it just me or does this sign seem a bit sexual. not really sure what its a sign for either.
it was a rather quiet weekend for me. here's what i got up to:
1. watched 4 hours of one tree hill
2. ate a bag of chex mix
3. smoke countless cigarettes
4. cleaned my apartment
5. watched the justice league
6. bought 6 more movies from my nbf one of which was the movie i called about [he even gave bc a free one for service, who in return gave it to me. how sweet]
7. went to buddha's belly in the twan for a photo exhibit [snore]
8. bought 2 books
stay gold & be well…
p.s. i think i have a crush on nbf
the other night while leaving taekwondo i happened to look up at the building and saw this sign out front. in the two years i've been walking in and out of that building i've never noticed it before.

now is it just me or does this sign seem a bit sexual. not really sure what its a sign for either.
it was a rather quiet weekend for me. here's what i got up to:
1. watched 4 hours of one tree hill
2. ate a bag of chex mix
3. smoke countless cigarettes
4. cleaned my apartment
5. watched the justice league
6. bought 6 more movies from my nbf one of which was the movie i called about [he even gave bc a free one for service, who in return gave it to me. how sweet]
7. went to buddha's belly in the twan for a photo exhibit [snore]
8. bought 2 books
stay gold & be well…
p.s. i think i have a crush on nbf
Thursday, December 07, 2006
queen of las vegas
quote taken from sara's pencil case:
"story of…
yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow,
a vision of hope, look to this day
for it is life"
stay gold & be well…
quote taken from sara's pencil case:
"story of…
yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow,
a vision of hope, look to this day
for it is life"
stay gold & be well…
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
accept yourself

movie: holiday [홀리데이] hol-li-de-i
starring: lee seong-jae, choi min-soo, jang se-jin, lee eol, yeo hyeon-soo, kim jin-hyeok
director: yang yoon-ho
genre: thriller
country: korea
year: 2006
cute k.boys: 3
beatings: numerous
fights scenes: numerous
symbolism: 3 eggs
# of people with gold teeth: 1
featured doll: minnie mouse
men in drag: 1
butt shots: 3
weapon of choice: golf clubs
shoot outs: a lot
attempted rapes: 1
memorable quote: "you act like a human when you're nothing but trash."
motto: money buys justice, lack of money guilt
blood shed: throughout whole movie
location for most of film: prison
explosions: 1
song: "holiday" by the bee-gees
noteworthy scene: when anh seok [prison guard] pisses on ji kang-hyun while he's in solitary confinement
factoid: this films speaks out against the core and custody law, which meant longer terms rather than longer sentences. this law came to an end in 2005. the film was set against the backdrop of the korean government destroying squatter villages inorder to make a more beautiful place for the olympics in 1988.
rundown: man breaks out of prison so he can speak of the injustice due to the core and custody law
bottom line: check it out
comments: when i saw the cover for this movie and the title i thought it was going to be about a family on vacation that comes against some trouble. so not. instead i got a glimpse into the social history of korea and its corruption. while watching the film its hard not to find compassion for the main character but you ultimately get the feeling that its not going to end well.
rating: 3.5 soju bottles
stay gold & be well...

movie: holiday [홀리데이] hol-li-de-i
starring: lee seong-jae, choi min-soo, jang se-jin, lee eol, yeo hyeon-soo, kim jin-hyeok
director: yang yoon-ho
genre: thriller
country: korea
year: 2006
cute k.boys: 3
beatings: numerous
fights scenes: numerous
symbolism: 3 eggs
# of people with gold teeth: 1
featured doll: minnie mouse
men in drag: 1
butt shots: 3
weapon of choice: golf clubs
shoot outs: a lot
attempted rapes: 1
memorable quote: "you act like a human when you're nothing but trash."
motto: money buys justice, lack of money guilt
blood shed: throughout whole movie
location for most of film: prison
explosions: 1
song: "holiday" by the bee-gees
noteworthy scene: when anh seok [prison guard] pisses on ji kang-hyun while he's in solitary confinement
factoid: this films speaks out against the core and custody law, which meant longer terms rather than longer sentences. this law came to an end in 2005. the film was set against the backdrop of the korean government destroying squatter villages inorder to make a more beautiful place for the olympics in 1988.
rundown: man breaks out of prison so he can speak of the injustice due to the core and custody law
bottom line: check it out
comments: when i saw the cover for this movie and the title i thought it was going to be about a family on vacation that comes against some trouble. so not. instead i got a glimpse into the social history of korea and its corruption. while watching the film its hard not to find compassion for the main character but you ultimately get the feeling that its not going to end well.
rating: 3.5 soju bottles
stay gold & be well...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
that was my veil [modena]
here's a role of film i took with my 35 mm. it's been quite awhile since i've used the old manual. definitely need to work out some of the kinks. especially with the focus.
35mm photo album
stay gold & be well…
here's a role of film i took with my 35 mm. it's been quite awhile since i've used the old manual. definitely need to work out some of the kinks. especially with the focus.
35mm photo album
stay gold & be well…
Monday, December 04, 2006
divine hammer
hair. it seems to be on everyone's mind. so now my kwanjangnim has jumped onto the band wagon. during taekwondo class i have to pull my hair back. i've been doing this for the last couple of months so its nothing new. however, yesterday kwanjangnim walked into the gym looked at the little ball on my head and said, "oh, no, no. hair. pictures." which translates to: "we are taking pictures today and your hair is terrible." this lead to a discussion of how i looked much more handsome 6 months ago when my hair was shorter. of course it took fifteen minutes to figure out what he was saying. according to him i shouldn't cut it too short though. i asked him if he wanted me to straighten it and dye it black, too. later in the class while stretching, kwanjangnim was pushing on my back [actually more like laying on me] and telling me how much he loved me. can it get any more stranger.
stay gold & be well…
hair. it seems to be on everyone's mind. so now my kwanjangnim has jumped onto the band wagon. during taekwondo class i have to pull my hair back. i've been doing this for the last couple of months so its nothing new. however, yesterday kwanjangnim walked into the gym looked at the little ball on my head and said, "oh, no, no. hair. pictures." which translates to: "we are taking pictures today and your hair is terrible." this lead to a discussion of how i looked much more handsome 6 months ago when my hair was shorter. of course it took fifteen minutes to figure out what he was saying. according to him i shouldn't cut it too short though. i asked him if he wanted me to straighten it and dye it black, too. later in the class while stretching, kwanjangnim was pushing on my back [actually more like laying on me] and telling me how much he loved me. can it get any more stranger.
stay gold & be well…
Sunday, December 03, 2006
just like anyone
when did it become december already? its getting colder and colder here. i had to bust out the white beast this week. it made me sad. for now i know i'll be wearing it for the next 3 months. hopefully this winter won't last as long as the previous one. i am in the market for a new mid-length jacket preferably black and boots of some sort also black. while out with my k-friend on saturday he told me i needed to invest in a mirror. apparently my hair was too much for him. i guess he doesn't like the wind-blown look. what do you say to that? i simply laughed it off and gave him a sarcastic thanks. which i'm sure was lost on him. this has been the second time we hung out and once again more time was spent in his car driving from one place to another than actually doing something. and to make matters worse he was playing horrible christmas songs. there was a point when i wanted to jump out of the car. next time there's got to be a plan.
today bc and i checked another thing off the list. this time it was the national museum of korea. we were quite pleased with ourselves. especially since it had been some time since our last list outing. the national museum is huge. we managed to do the third floor which had the asian arts gallery and the fine arts gallery 2. we tried to guess each others favorites. bc was much better at the game than me. am i that predictable. while in the fine arts section we ran into two obnoxious children that kept bumping and getting in front of us. of course the mom was right there but never said anything. i came very close to drop kicking them. there were lots of cool stuff. my favs were probably the mini pagodas and the tiny dragons used to decorate them. yes, i like dragons. we attempted to do the second floor but realized we were museumed out. before leaving we hit the gift shop. a definite must do in any museum/gallery one goes to. i walked out with 4 postcards and 1 button.
more pictures from the national museum.
from the nmk we headed to yongsan. on the way i found a toy store. unfortunately it turned out to be not so exciting. yongsan is the land of electronics and dvds. i'm usually completely overwhelmed when i step into the electronics mall but it wasn't so bad this time. we stayed ever so briefly before making our way [through the dodgy back way] to the dvd mecca. i initially planned on buying three dvds but somehow got talked into six. one of the movies i wanted they didn't have. my new best friend [the worker] had asked everyone nearby; however, it was a bust. nbfw gave me a number for a mister lim and told me to call him. now i got my own personal dvd connection. how fab is that. out of the six movies there's only one that i wasn't familiar with. if i end up not liking it i'll blame him. shopping is fun.
what i saw when i peered through the fence:
something i learned today: in some countries sauce rhymes with horse. hm mm.
my new motto: what would the justice league do?
stay gold & be well…
when did it become december already? its getting colder and colder here. i had to bust out the white beast this week. it made me sad. for now i know i'll be wearing it for the next 3 months. hopefully this winter won't last as long as the previous one. i am in the market for a new mid-length jacket preferably black and boots of some sort also black. while out with my k-friend on saturday he told me i needed to invest in a mirror. apparently my hair was too much for him. i guess he doesn't like the wind-blown look. what do you say to that? i simply laughed it off and gave him a sarcastic thanks. which i'm sure was lost on him. this has been the second time we hung out and once again more time was spent in his car driving from one place to another than actually doing something. and to make matters worse he was playing horrible christmas songs. there was a point when i wanted to jump out of the car. next time there's got to be a plan.
today bc and i checked another thing off the list. this time it was the national museum of korea. we were quite pleased with ourselves. especially since it had been some time since our last list outing. the national museum is huge. we managed to do the third floor which had the asian arts gallery and the fine arts gallery 2. we tried to guess each others favorites. bc was much better at the game than me. am i that predictable. while in the fine arts section we ran into two obnoxious children that kept bumping and getting in front of us. of course the mom was right there but never said anything. i came very close to drop kicking them. there were lots of cool stuff. my favs were probably the mini pagodas and the tiny dragons used to decorate them. yes, i like dragons. we attempted to do the second floor but realized we were museumed out. before leaving we hit the gift shop. a definite must do in any museum/gallery one goes to. i walked out with 4 postcards and 1 button.
more pictures from the national museum.
from the nmk we headed to yongsan. on the way i found a toy store. unfortunately it turned out to be not so exciting. yongsan is the land of electronics and dvds. i'm usually completely overwhelmed when i step into the electronics mall but it wasn't so bad this time. we stayed ever so briefly before making our way [through the dodgy back way] to the dvd mecca. i initially planned on buying three dvds but somehow got talked into six. one of the movies i wanted they didn't have. my new best friend [the worker] had asked everyone nearby; however, it was a bust. nbfw gave me a number for a mister lim and told me to call him. now i got my own personal dvd connection. how fab is that. out of the six movies there's only one that i wasn't familiar with. if i end up not liking it i'll blame him. shopping is fun.
what i saw when i peered through the fence:
something i learned today: in some countries sauce rhymes with horse. hm mm.
my new motto: what would the justice league do?
stay gold & be well…
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
el condor pasa [if i could]

movie: marathon [말아톤]
starring: jo seung-woo, kim mi-sook, lee ki-young, baek sung-hyun, ahn nae-sang, kim jae-rok
director: jeong yoon-cheol
genre: drama/comedy
country: korea
year: 2004
cute k.boys: 1
subway station fight: 1
bitch slaps: 1
animal symbolism: zebra
# of times he thinks a girl is a zebra: 2
exercise of choice: running
fart scenes: 2
afraid of: being injected
recites: animal kingdom
butt shot: 1
some favorites of cho-won: noodles, cookies, zebras
memorable quote: "run your balls off asshole"
dancing scenes: 3
sauna scenes: 1
location of choice: the track
# of times cho-won wanders off: 2
noteworthy scene: when they go to the coach's house to persuade him to train cho-won
scene that made me smile: everytime cho-won bowed and said hi to his brother [so cute]
rundown: boy with autism finds passion in running
bottom line: a definite must see
comments: i heard alot about this film when it first came out and finally got around to watching it. the acting is great and the story is both funny and touching. from teh beginning i was immediately drawn in. if you're looking for a feel good movie than you should check it out. it was inspired by an actual person, bae hyeong-jin.
rating: 5 soju bottles
stay gold & be well...

movie: marathon [말아톤]
starring: jo seung-woo, kim mi-sook, lee ki-young, baek sung-hyun, ahn nae-sang, kim jae-rok
director: jeong yoon-cheol
genre: drama/comedy
country: korea
year: 2004
cute k.boys: 1
subway station fight: 1
bitch slaps: 1
animal symbolism: zebra
# of times he thinks a girl is a zebra: 2
exercise of choice: running
fart scenes: 2
afraid of: being injected
recites: animal kingdom
butt shot: 1
some favorites of cho-won: noodles, cookies, zebras
memorable quote: "run your balls off asshole"
dancing scenes: 3
sauna scenes: 1
location of choice: the track
# of times cho-won wanders off: 2
noteworthy scene: when they go to the coach's house to persuade him to train cho-won
scene that made me smile: everytime cho-won bowed and said hi to his brother [so cute]
rundown: boy with autism finds passion in running
bottom line: a definite must see
comments: i heard alot about this film when it first came out and finally got around to watching it. the acting is great and the story is both funny and touching. from teh beginning i was immediately drawn in. if you're looking for a feel good movie than you should check it out. it was inspired by an actual person, bae hyeong-jin.
rating: 5 soju bottles
stay gold & be well...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
plan a
all the kids are doing it.
check this out:
pump master
click on the picture with the guy in the taekwondo outfit [i think its the last video].
stay gold.
be well…
all the kids are doing it.
check this out:
pump master
click on the picture with the guy in the taekwondo outfit [i think its the last video].
stay gold.
be well…
Monday, November 27, 2006
the wait
Sunday, November 26, 2006
a doodlin' song
here's what my horoscope had to say.
taken from vanity fair's december 2006 issue
Part of you is passionate, rife with creative urges, and desperate to strut your stuff and let everybody know you're still a hot genius. Not with Uranus changing direction in your solar 12th house, though. That vibration makes you want to turn your back on all the trash that passes for art nowadays, not to mention the people who tout it. In fact, the falseness of the world is such a turnoff that what you need now is some serious downtime away from the noise, glitter, and insanity. So what's stopping you?
sounds like grand advice. downtime is always a good thing.
spent most of my weekend catching up with friends and just chillin. saturday was dinner with olivia, who's leaving korea in a few weeks, and a few others. afterwards we went to stereo underground for drinks. later in the evening i hooked up with bc, who was trolling the western bars. having been there once, i refused to go inside. instead we went off to a cute cafe that had awesome art books for a last call. sunday bc and i went princess's apartment for some green curry shrimp. yumfest. before making our way there we strolled around the twan. i bought me some sloppy joe mix at the foreign market. going back to my white trash roots. now all i need are some tator tots.
stay gold.
be well…
here's what my horoscope had to say.
taken from vanity fair's december 2006 issue
Part of you is passionate, rife with creative urges, and desperate to strut your stuff and let everybody know you're still a hot genius. Not with Uranus changing direction in your solar 12th house, though. That vibration makes you want to turn your back on all the trash that passes for art nowadays, not to mention the people who tout it. In fact, the falseness of the world is such a turnoff that what you need now is some serious downtime away from the noise, glitter, and insanity. So what's stopping you?
sounds like grand advice. downtime is always a good thing.
spent most of my weekend catching up with friends and just chillin. saturday was dinner with olivia, who's leaving korea in a few weeks, and a few others. afterwards we went to stereo underground for drinks. later in the evening i hooked up with bc, who was trolling the western bars. having been there once, i refused to go inside. instead we went off to a cute cafe that had awesome art books for a last call. sunday bc and i went princess's apartment for some green curry shrimp. yumfest. before making our way there we strolled around the twan. i bought me some sloppy joe mix at the foreign market. going back to my white trash roots. now all i need are some tator tots.
stay gold.
be well…
Friday, November 24, 2006
waiting for something
here's a message i got from one of my high school students.
HI Ethan?
I'm Richeal.
Do you remember?
I have somethhng
to tell you?
after speaking with her on the phone i got this message.
Even though i st
opped, your class
was best of best
!while get to
class, i feel
stay gold.
be well…
here's a message i got from one of my high school students.
HI Ethan?
I'm Richeal.
Do you remember?
I have somethhng
to tell you?
after speaking with her on the phone i got this message.
Even though i st
opped, your class
was best of best
!while get to
class, i feel
stay gold.
be well…
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
i am the lamb

movie: hello, goodbye little brother [annyeong, hyeonga]
starring: park ji-bin, seo dae-han, choi woo-hyuk, bae jong-ok, park won-sang
director: lim tae-yong
genre: drama
country: korea
year: 2005
cute kids: 3
kids with illness: 2
hospital fights: 1
playground fights: 1
bathroom scenes: 4
game of choice: yu gi oh
daisies compared to: fried eggs
fart jokes: 4
method of transportation: sneaker skates
quote: "the cat taking a nap is run over by a car"
impressions of: a pop star
nickname: shitty pants
allusions to: tarzan man
noteworthy scene: throwing shit water on his brother
rundown: bratty little brother likes to cause trouble and pick on his older brother. older brother is diagnosed with a brain tumor. little boy learns the true meaning of family, friendship, and love.
bottom line: well done family drama that gets you choked up
comments: from the cover i thought it was going to be a family comedy. so wrong. perhaps not the best movie to watch after my last post. there was nothing exceptional about the film. just you basic good old family drama that will make you cry. the film was based on actual people.
rating: 3 soju bottles
be well...

movie: hello, goodbye little brother [annyeong, hyeonga]
starring: park ji-bin, seo dae-han, choi woo-hyuk, bae jong-ok, park won-sang
director: lim tae-yong
genre: drama
country: korea
year: 2005
cute kids: 3
kids with illness: 2
hospital fights: 1
playground fights: 1
bathroom scenes: 4
game of choice: yu gi oh
daisies compared to: fried eggs
fart jokes: 4
method of transportation: sneaker skates
quote: "the cat taking a nap is run over by a car"
impressions of: a pop star
nickname: shitty pants
allusions to: tarzan man
noteworthy scene: throwing shit water on his brother
rundown: bratty little brother likes to cause trouble and pick on his older brother. older brother is diagnosed with a brain tumor. little boy learns the true meaning of family, friendship, and love.
bottom line: well done family drama that gets you choked up
comments: from the cover i thought it was going to be a family comedy. so wrong. perhaps not the best movie to watch after my last post. there was nothing exceptional about the film. just you basic good old family drama that will make you cry. the film was based on actual people.
rating: 3 soju bottles
be well...
you get what you give
thanksgiving. tomorrow is thanksgiving though living here one wouldn't know it. its been over 10 years since i spent thanksgiving with my family. when i moved to boston in 1994 i stopped going home. it was partly because i chose to go home for christmas, however, there was deeper reason for me not returning. florida and thanksgiving brought back memories of my friend lil. on thanksgiving 1990 my friend, who had been missing for several days prior, was found dead. we would later find out that she had be killed by her landlord. it was a most brutal murder. the kind you might have read about or seen in a movie and thought how unbelievable it was. the events that unfolded that holiday season would stay with me for some time. i vaguely even remember spending time with my own family. my days were spent comforting friends at lil's mom's house or at sc's house. emotionally i was a wreck. lil's mom had asked me to go to lil's apartment to gather up her things. i couldn't. instead i made up an excuse. they found a letter addressed to me from lil among her things. they asked if it could be read. i agreed but didn't want to read it. crump did. we were all hoping it would shed some light on what had happened. i remember seeing crump's mouth move but couldn't hear any sounds. i don't think i was ready. that's the day i cried. cried like i've never have before.
prior to going home that holiday in 1990, i had no idea that lil was even missing. i remember the drive from georgia, where i was attending college, as if it was yesterday. it was late at night. outside it was cold. i was driving down some back road in georgia. i had just lit a cigarette. joy by the sundays was playing on my stereo. that's when it happened. all these thoughts of lil started rolling around in my mind: would i see her this trip?, how would i get in touch with her?, who would have her number?. etc. chills ran through my body. then like that, it all faded. i still think of that precious moment every time i hear that song. perhaps it'll stay with me forever.
once i had gotten home i learned about lil's disappearance from a friend's mom. immediately i called everyone i knew to find out what was going on. no one seemed to have an answer. with each day that passed more and more information surfaced. we spent those days together as friends. none of us wanting to be alone. then we got the fatal news that shattered any hopes we had. lil was no longer with those. that event changed everything. i didn't see thanksgiving as a time to be joyous. it was now a holiday of sadness. and to avoid that sadness i stopped going home to avoid those memories that were still so fresh in my mind.
lil was an individual. i've never met anyone like her since nor do i think i will. she often spole her mind. she was spunk. and her spirit was strong. i'm so glad she entered into my life, even if it was only for a short period of time. our friendship was filled with ups and downs. just like so many are. but we always found our way back. she taught me alot about life and myself. for that i'm grateful. i'll always treasure our time together. there's not a day that goes by when i don't think of her. i wrote this in the spring of 1991. i wrote it for lil.
it took me a few years to finally put it all behind me. as time passed i didn't see thanksgiving as a dark storm cloud. i found new traditions. mainly spending it with new found friends. my thanksgivings in san francisco have by far been the best. they started with pevil. we began our own tradition with turkey for two. then it grew as more friends stayed in sf for the holiday. my fondest memory is when misty and i hosted a somersize thanksgiving for our friends. who would have guessed that no bread stuffing would be so good. thanks suzanne.
well—to all my friends out there, happy thanksgiving. i'll be thinking of you.
stay gold.
be well…
thanksgiving. tomorrow is thanksgiving though living here one wouldn't know it. its been over 10 years since i spent thanksgiving with my family. when i moved to boston in 1994 i stopped going home. it was partly because i chose to go home for christmas, however, there was deeper reason for me not returning. florida and thanksgiving brought back memories of my friend lil. on thanksgiving 1990 my friend, who had been missing for several days prior, was found dead. we would later find out that she had be killed by her landlord. it was a most brutal murder. the kind you might have read about or seen in a movie and thought how unbelievable it was. the events that unfolded that holiday season would stay with me for some time. i vaguely even remember spending time with my own family. my days were spent comforting friends at lil's mom's house or at sc's house. emotionally i was a wreck. lil's mom had asked me to go to lil's apartment to gather up her things. i couldn't. instead i made up an excuse. they found a letter addressed to me from lil among her things. they asked if it could be read. i agreed but didn't want to read it. crump did. we were all hoping it would shed some light on what had happened. i remember seeing crump's mouth move but couldn't hear any sounds. i don't think i was ready. that's the day i cried. cried like i've never have before.
prior to going home that holiday in 1990, i had no idea that lil was even missing. i remember the drive from georgia, where i was attending college, as if it was yesterday. it was late at night. outside it was cold. i was driving down some back road in georgia. i had just lit a cigarette. joy by the sundays was playing on my stereo. that's when it happened. all these thoughts of lil started rolling around in my mind: would i see her this trip?, how would i get in touch with her?, who would have her number?. etc. chills ran through my body. then like that, it all faded. i still think of that precious moment every time i hear that song. perhaps it'll stay with me forever.
once i had gotten home i learned about lil's disappearance from a friend's mom. immediately i called everyone i knew to find out what was going on. no one seemed to have an answer. with each day that passed more and more information surfaced. we spent those days together as friends. none of us wanting to be alone. then we got the fatal news that shattered any hopes we had. lil was no longer with those. that event changed everything. i didn't see thanksgiving as a time to be joyous. it was now a holiday of sadness. and to avoid that sadness i stopped going home to avoid those memories that were still so fresh in my mind.
lil was an individual. i've never met anyone like her since nor do i think i will. she often spole her mind. she was spunk. and her spirit was strong. i'm so glad she entered into my life, even if it was only for a short period of time. our friendship was filled with ups and downs. just like so many are. but we always found our way back. she taught me alot about life and myself. for that i'm grateful. i'll always treasure our time together. there's not a day that goes by when i don't think of her. i wrote this in the spring of 1991. i wrote it for lil.
The Letter
Days drag by,
and still I watch the television.
5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 11 o'clock.
The hours when your name is spoken on every channel
by unfamiliar faces painted like Barbies
always behind custom-made desks of artificial wood.
For me, nothing is taken on face value anymore.
To hear them utter your name
a name sweet as any nectar to my lips.
Only now the topic of town gossip
forcing me to accept what waits outside my door.
A stone thrown into placid waters
sank to depths unknown.
Men sift through mounds of coarse dirt
in hopes of finding gold, only to recover bone.
That letter never mailed
discovered in a box of your belongings.
Shadows step forward trapping me in the darkest corner.
Alone, fingers transfixed on the envelope
afraid to open, afraid to hear your voice.
Days drag by,
and still I watch the television.
5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 11 o'clock.
The hours when your name is spoken on every channel
by unfamiliar faces painted like Barbies
always behind custom-made desks of artificial wood.
For me, nothing is taken on face value anymore.
To hear them utter your name
a name sweet as any nectar to my lips.
Only now the topic of town gossip
forcing me to accept what waits outside my door.
A stone thrown into placid waters
sank to depths unknown.
Men sift through mounds of coarse dirt
in hopes of finding gold, only to recover bone.
That letter never mailed
discovered in a box of your belongings.
Shadows step forward trapping me in the darkest corner.
Alone, fingers transfixed on the envelope
afraid to open, afraid to hear your voice.
it took me a few years to finally put it all behind me. as time passed i didn't see thanksgiving as a dark storm cloud. i found new traditions. mainly spending it with new found friends. my thanksgivings in san francisco have by far been the best. they started with pevil. we began our own tradition with turkey for two. then it grew as more friends stayed in sf for the holiday. my fondest memory is when misty and i hosted a somersize thanksgiving for our friends. who would have guessed that no bread stuffing would be so good. thanks suzanne.
well—to all my friends out there, happy thanksgiving. i'll be thinking of you.
stay gold.
be well…
by the sundays
The lone ranger sold his wardrobe
The lone ranger sold his bad dog
Well you saw him and you could hardly know
Cos times change.... I know
Some days he's more than humble
On some days he's cold and mad, mad as hell
Well you saw him and you can hardly know
It's so strange.... and well I, I know
Those lakes of golden water
Those lakes of gold are all running out
Well you saw him and you could hardly know
It's so strange... and well I, I know
Joy, joy, joy
Work, work, work harder
Sure as the hours
Joy, joy, joy
Work, work, work harder
You say
by the sundays
The lone ranger sold his wardrobe
The lone ranger sold his bad dog
Well you saw him and you could hardly know
Cos times change.... I know
Some days he's more than humble
On some days he's cold and mad, mad as hell
Well you saw him and you can hardly know
It's so strange.... and well I, I know
Those lakes of golden water
Those lakes of gold are all running out
Well you saw him and you could hardly know
It's so strange... and well I, I know
Joy, joy, joy
Work, work, work harder
Sure as the hours
Joy, joy, joy
Work, work, work harder
You say
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
the time has come
ever have one of those days where you are in a constant bad mood for no apparent reason. that was me today. my frustration started early on when i was trying to get my rss feed to work on friendster. it use to work. before i switched to beta blogger. but not anymore. i couldn't even find my site feed url on blogger. according to the help section its suppose to be under the settings catergory. at least it was in the old version. in beta blogger it was no where to be found. i finally found what i thought was the answer in the group help but when i plugged it into friendster it still didn't work. urgghh! from there it all went down hill. every class was getting on my nerves. all i could think about was going home, getting in bed, and watching tv. i wanted to escape. i thought this day would never end. i even skipped out on tkd because i didn't want to deal. the worst is that i knew i was in a bad mood and could not shake it. i hate days like this. well, i'm going to get uncover the covers and hide out. here's hoping tomorrow will be much better.
stay gold.
be well…
p.s. i actually spelled check this time, bc.
ever have one of those days where you are in a constant bad mood for no apparent reason. that was me today. my frustration started early on when i was trying to get my rss feed to work on friendster. it use to work. before i switched to beta blogger. but not anymore. i couldn't even find my site feed url on blogger. according to the help section its suppose to be under the settings catergory. at least it was in the old version. in beta blogger it was no where to be found. i finally found what i thought was the answer in the group help but when i plugged it into friendster it still didn't work. urgghh! from there it all went down hill. every class was getting on my nerves. all i could think about was going home, getting in bed, and watching tv. i wanted to escape. i thought this day would never end. i even skipped out on tkd because i didn't want to deal. the worst is that i knew i was in a bad mood and could not shake it. i hate days like this. well, i'm going to get uncover the covers and hide out. here's hoping tomorrow will be much better.
stay gold.
be well…
p.s. i actually spelled check this time, bc.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
working for the man
somehow i seemed to spend my entire weekend here in ansan and it felt great. on saturday a friend sent me a text and asked if i wanted to check out the "challenge adventure" at the ansan youth center. being somewhat intrigued by this "challenge adventure" i agreed. what i walked into though was a little girl playing the piano. curious. apparently the adventure part of the evening was over. it was now the talent portion, where proud parents dressed their children in their finest attire to showcase their hidden talents. five piano recitals later my friend turned to me and said, "this is boring". i couldn't have agreed more. before we made our escape we were subjected to one little girl's singing voice. it was like listening to cats fighting. the rest of the evening seemed to be one misadventure after the other: wrong turns down very narrow streets, trying to go to the art center but finding out it was closed, etc. the evening ended with a driving tour through hanyung university. which was all right except for the fact that i was sans glasses and contacts so everything was a blur.
today bc came to visit. i love when my peeps come to ansan. she had been on vacation in the land down under visiting her family. it felt like ages since i last saw her. so we got to play catch up. she got me the most fabulous anime nurse pin. love it. and from her brother i received a bag of mints. mints are like a luxury item here. we lunched at my favorite dak kalbi restaurant. they had the most excellent candied sweet potatoes as a side. bc and i were in heaven. after completely stuffing ourselves we took a stroll through handaeop. on a whim we stopped into a clothing store. i found a most excellent shirt which actually fit. of course i had to buy it. bc gave me the thumbs up. with my purchase i also received a cute black tote and two umbrellas. score! free gifts are always fun.
i was inspired today to finally load up my itunes with music that misty and ted have sent me. they've been laying around forever so i figured why not. unfortunately i think i added way too much. itunes is not happy and crashed. it is now rebuilding my entire library. oops. i'll give it a few days and if it continues to be temperamental i will most likely have to pull some things off. or better yet increase my memory. hmmm.
be well…
somehow i seemed to spend my entire weekend here in ansan and it felt great. on saturday a friend sent me a text and asked if i wanted to check out the "challenge adventure" at the ansan youth center. being somewhat intrigued by this "challenge adventure" i agreed. what i walked into though was a little girl playing the piano. curious. apparently the adventure part of the evening was over. it was now the talent portion, where proud parents dressed their children in their finest attire to showcase their hidden talents. five piano recitals later my friend turned to me and said, "this is boring". i couldn't have agreed more. before we made our escape we were subjected to one little girl's singing voice. it was like listening to cats fighting. the rest of the evening seemed to be one misadventure after the other: wrong turns down very narrow streets, trying to go to the art center but finding out it was closed, etc. the evening ended with a driving tour through hanyung university. which was all right except for the fact that i was sans glasses and contacts so everything was a blur.
today bc came to visit. i love when my peeps come to ansan. she had been on vacation in the land down under visiting her family. it felt like ages since i last saw her. so we got to play catch up. she got me the most fabulous anime nurse pin. love it. and from her brother i received a bag of mints. mints are like a luxury item here. we lunched at my favorite dak kalbi restaurant. they had the most excellent candied sweet potatoes as a side. bc and i were in heaven. after completely stuffing ourselves we took a stroll through handaeop. on a whim we stopped into a clothing store. i found a most excellent shirt which actually fit. of course i had to buy it. bc gave me the thumbs up. with my purchase i also received a cute black tote and two umbrellas. score! free gifts are always fun.
i was inspired today to finally load up my itunes with music that misty and ted have sent me. they've been laying around forever so i figured why not. unfortunately i think i added way too much. itunes is not happy and crashed. it is now rebuilding my entire library. oops. i'll give it a few days and if it continues to be temperamental i will most likely have to pull some things off. or better yet increase my memory. hmmm.
be well…
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