Saturday, August 06, 2005

early bird special…


deery-lou, the cheerful fawn, says waking up early is not F.U.N. i'm not sure how or why but ever since my vacation i've been waking up super earlier. the whole time i was in sunny florida i never seemed to sleep past 8am. now that i'm in the "land of the morning calm" my internal alarm clock seems to be set for 6am. either i'm completely jet lagged and my sleep pattern is all screwy or i've finally hit that age in life when i start rising early. i so hope it the former. i'm not quite ready to begin every day at "stupid o'clock" in the morning as my friend vick would say. she's actually the one who brought up the age thing. next i'll be scouted out the local restaurants for early bird specials, watching the 6pm news, and then fall asleep in my lazy boy with all the lights and tv on. getting readjusted to my classes was alot easier than i thought. my day now begins at 10am with a special summer class. the one benefit is the free lunch we got now. yummy. i gave all the students disney postcards from florida. they seemed to like them. a couple of them kept yelling and screaming because my hair was very short. its amazing how they simply don't like change. this whole week i've been pretty beat. its also been extremely hot here—florida hot. you step outside and are immediately drenched in sweat. its gross. slowly but surely i'm getting use to my new apartment. i'm still in the process of arranging things and all that stuff. hopefully i'll get it all done today. i did manage to figure out the washing machine. basically i just started pushing buttons and once water came out i was happy. not having a dryer sucks. stuff gets all stiff and hard when hang drying. personally i'm not a big fan of stiff underwear. although after a year i'm sure i won't care anymore. i do miss not having carrefour right next door. we have a couple of little markets. they're alot cheaper than carrefour but they don't have all the goodies i'm use too. but as long as they have milk, eggs, beer, chips, soda, etc. [which they do] then i'll be fine. i can't wait til it gets a little cooler so i go explore this area. it actually has a lot more character than where i was before. i'm looking forward to finding lots of hidden treasures.

i had my first taekwondo class yesterday in over a week or so. it was me and the kwanganim. needless to say i didn't remember my poomses to well. i forgot a couple of moves here and there. the one and one class actually went pretty good. i really like my master. he makes me feel comfortable. although yesterday when i was practicing i watched myself in the mirror and thought how i looked like a complete dork. how come some people look cool in the uniform but not me. i've got a lot of training to do before october. thats the first time for black belt testing. i'm not sure if i'm going than or in december but i'll keep you posted. last night i watched an episode of the hardy boys. i forgot how good it was. i so love the opening credits of them running through the maze. hee hee. i am a dork. its these little things that give me such joy. time to get back to decorating my apartment.

be well…

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