Tuesday, February 08, 2005

surprise vistors come to ansan

winter sonata part 2 will just have to wait! an unexpected surprise came to the land of the morning calm in the form of misty, kate, and derek. it was definitely a complete surprise. now the land of the morning calm is anything but calm. it's so GREAT to see them. this is the best new year's ever! for those of you who don't know its the lunar new on feb 9. i'm going to keep this short since they're sitting on my floor as i type this. i still find myself looking over at them and thinking "is it really them". so cool. my friends rock! wanted to send out a little note so you all know i'll still around. here are some pictures of our first two days in korea. there will be more to come and i'll definitely be writing more too. HAPPY NEW YEAR! to all. time to get back to the F.U.N…

p.s. misty is playing blythe doll, kate is sewing d's rabbit hat, and d's doing crunches. it's all good times.


1 comment:

Pevil said...

Looks like you are having F-U-N fun! Enjoy your peeps!