Sunday, February 27, 2005

hidden treasures

so the other day i was mentioning how i am constanstly waking up in the middle of the night and eating sweets. well, this prompted my friend kate, who was just here visiting me, to send me an email letting me know there was a piece of chocolate hidden behind my contact solution. what? more chocolate. yummy! it appears kate is also the one responsible for leaving a chocolate under my pillow. how sweet is that. now i'm looking for choccolate everywhere. are there more hidden treasures? if so, will i find them? i have no idea but the thought that there might be a random chocolate that shows up in a few months is very exciting. its like an easter egg hunt that lasts forever. and who didn't love easter egg hunts. we made my parents hide eggs up until we were in high school. of course by than a lot of the eggs were filled with money. that was always my favorite part of easter…the egg hunt. anyway, ever since kate told me of this last surprise i've been looking in every nook and cranny. omg. i can't believe i just wrote nook and cranny. am i a grandma now! mommom, my grandmother, use to hid chocolates in her shoes. once we found out about that we use to tear through her closet and shoes in search of the tastey morsels. those were the days. to be young and carefree. kind of like what my life is like now minus the young part. its amazing how laidback and stress free my life has been here. now if only i can find a decent toy store i'd be set. be well all…


Pevil said...

I'll give ya a hidden treasure matey! ARRRRGGGHHH! Easter egg hunts rock. Maybe we will have one for Fresh Jesus this year!

hez said...

between thanksgiving and christmas the elves would come to my house
to see if i was being good and if i was, they would leave little pieces of candy or toys behind the curtains on the windowsills. that was the best! every morning, during that time, i would run to the windows and look behind the curtains. thats also how my christmas list got to santa. i would leave it behind the curtain at night and they would deliver it for me. i LOVE elves!

Anonymous said...

I''ll be back. Later :)