Thursday, February 24, 2005

oh how i miss the wb…

originally uploaded by nightwing.

oh how i miss the days of sitting on my couch with misty watching the wb. i don't even have a couch here. tuesday's was the night for "oth", or as we liked to call it "one tear hill". i forgot how good this show was. last night i had a mini-marathon of "oth, season 2". it's like my new drug. i couldn't stop watching. the only thing that made me was that my computer battery died. damn computer. as i laid there in bed it reminded me of the day i was home in sf and i was going to watch one episode of "my so called life". well, like pringles when it comes to teenage dramas you can't watch just one. that day i think i watched the entire season and watched my entire saturday vanish. now here i am watching back to back episodes of "oth". life can't get much better. it would completely rule if the 7-11's here had fountain drinks but that is a blog for another day. i forgot how much i missed this show and the characters. i must say i truely love brooke. she's the bad girl next door with the tender heart. she's someone you just HAVE to hang out with. i wish i knew a brooke when i was in high school. i have a feeling this weekend will include watching more episodes. this is exciting to me because i can't wait to see what happens. i could probably go on and on but who really wants to hear my rants about a teen soap…misty probably. thats why i love her so much.

lately i've been sleeping very irratically. i find myself watching up in the middle of the night and going to the kitchen to eat sweets. last night i ate cheesecake pudding. the night before i finished off the hersey minatures. i'm not really sure what this is all about. perhaps the aliens have found me in korea and are continuing thier probing. who knows. i've also discovered two more korea shows that have been taking over my life: "breathless", a drama about two brothers, and "guys and girls", a comedy about college life. you would have thought korean shows would be so good.I'M LOVIN IT! be well…


Pevil said...

Glad to hear the hersheys minis lul you to sleep. I almost got sucked into OTH the other night but turned the TV off as I could feel the vortex sucking me in and couldn't let it happen! I am addicted to Freaks and Geeks at the moment.

Misty L said...

sigh. You have no idea how much I miss those WB watching days. And don't forget about UPN...The Parkers, Sister Sister, etc. SO good. The thing I miss the most is that our serious, complex conversations about what was happening on the teen dramas...and where we thought the story would lead. hahahaha. We rule.

Kate said...

ok, if we are admitting to getting sucked into the tv vortex... i spent most of last weekend watching the whole season of Project Runway. [GO JAY!!] Ethan, if you want more chocolate tonight, check in your bathroom behind the bottle of contact solution. i miss you much. xo

hez said...

i watched the entire season of project runway last wednesday! it was in preparation for the finale. i hate wendy! she is so pedestrian. i'm so glad jay won!