Sunday, April 08, 2012


previously on the e-list…

I'm back bitches! It's been a long time since my last post and I thought it was about time that I got back to my little old blog. A lot has happened over the past three months. I was offered a job at HCP Aboard, a custom publishing company of the Miami Herald, and decided I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get back into what I love doing–graphic design. It was definitely bitter sweet saying goodbye to San Francisco, a place I called home since 1998 and leaving all my friends but I simply couldn't pass up this opportunity.

I left SF in early February and moved in with my sister while I searched for an apartment in Miami. I'm so thankfully that I had family in the area. It definitely made the transition a lot easier but it nice to be able to spend some quality time with my sister and her family. I stayed with my sister for about two months taking over my niece's purple room. Needless to say, she was quite happy to get her room back.

I moved into my new fabulous loft apartment on April 1. My stuff won't be arriving until April 19 so in the meantime it's just me, a bed, some clothes, my computer, and an air mattress which is posing as my temporary sofa. I'm looking forward for my things to arrive so I can get to decorating this place. This the first time in my life that I have an apartment that I absolutely love. There's a Publix, Target,  a Starbucks, and lots of restaurants while walking distance from my apartment. What more could I need!

I've adjusted quite well to my new life. It is really beautiful here. I'm in walking distance to the bay and literally a bus ride from the beach. Things are going to be good! Just where will I end up next is any one's guess.

stay gold & be well

p.s. Be on the look out for my new blog my life on the e-list: the miami snapshots

1 comment:

Prattlepants said...

You're back! YAY!!!