Sunday, April 22, 2012

the visit

deery lou.
previoulsy on the e-list…

I've been so wrapped up in my unpacking (yes, my stuff actually arrived) that I almost forget to do my weekly blog update. This will probably be a quick one since I can hear my bed calling me.

Work is going really well. I'm so happy to be back in the creative world. It's amazing how the day goes by so fast when you actually enjoy what you are doing. Looking back at my old job, I'm not sure how I managed to last there as long as I did. The Experience Bermuda book that I did some layouts for came in this week. It looks good. It's so nice having my work in print again. Right now I'm in the middle of working on both the English & Spanish editions of Baptist Health's magazines. I love having different projects to work on.

As I mentioned above, my stuff arrived on Thursday. I was bit stressed because Wednesday night I got a text from the driver which said, "The address is Miami??". I immediately thought that he was somewhere else besides Miami and didn't sleep at all that night. My sister showed up around 9 a.m. and we sat on my balcony until the truck arrived. The move went off without a hitch and my sister helped me do some unpacking before she had to go. I ended up getting a lot done on Thursday.

My sister brought my nephew over on Saturday so he could see my apartment since he wasn't able to come last weekend. We went to Target (surprise, surprise) so I could get a few more things for my place. It seems like I've been dropping a lot of money there lately. Oh, the price you pay for moving into a much larger apartment then before. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my place. I do! Even though it will probably bankrupt me.

I spent most of today unpacking and decorating. All of the boxes have been opened and emptied. Now it's a matter of taking care of all the little things that are now scattered all over my floor. Hopefully, I'll take care of that throughout the week and then the next big thing will be to organize my giant walk in closet which is now filled with the stuff I don't want to deal with. : )

I'm on the look out for either of big cushy chair or chaise lounge for my office. If anyone has any ideas of stores to check out online let me know. Just where will I end up next is anyone's guess.

stay gold & be well

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