Tuesday, December 30, 2008

soap and water

previously on the e-list…

yet another christmas has come and gone. my mini-vacation to miami now seems like a distant memory. i wish the same could be said about the extra pounds i put on. i basically ate my way through the holiday. cookies, candy, snacks, soda, etc. all found their way into my belly. it's serious diet/exercise time for this little piggy.

decorating house

my time in florida definitely flew by, but it was a great trip all around. it was nice to be surrounded by family. i think that deep down it was something that i very much needed. it's always great to get away and forgot about all the little things that are bothering you and that's just what i did. hopefully, having that time with family will snap me out of this permanent funk i seem to be in.


most of the my time was spent inside with family. we played games, talked, ate, ate, ate, etc. we did go on a few outings: long key nature center, ikea, & the young at art museum. my sister and i went to the beach for a nice stroll down the boardwalk. the weather was perfect although a bit windy. we grabbed a drink at a bar and people watched. there are some truly interesting outfits happening beach side. it was nice to simply relax and stare out at the water.

abc's & me1

i spent a lot of time entertaining the little ones. i actually quite enjoyed it since i'm not able to see them that often. they are definitely a handful. each with their own little personality. even when they are being slightly naughty, they're still adorable. it's that innocence they exude. at times it was hard for me not to laugh.

the kids2

on day one, miss morgan kept telling me how much she loved me. by day two, it had faded. hehe. i couldn't believe half the things that came out of her mouth. the first thing she said to me when she saw me was, "you have girl hair. it's all crinkly." on christmas morning after opening a present, she had this to say, "i never asked for that." priceless. it amazes me how children come up with this stuff. she is definitely the queen of quotes. my all time favorite was this one: "googa is a bad word". it's not just the quotes, but the delivery of them. she always had a modelesque pose. we worked on her poses. i think she has the makings of a future top model. heidi look out.


davis is your typical boy for he's always finding trouble or is it that trouble is searching him out. he likes to push boundaries but then again who didn't at that age. his new thing this year was making the peace sign every time i took his picture. has he been looking at my korea photos? i tried to asked him where he picked that up from but he remained silent. it took all my effort to persuade him not to do it in every photo. davis is definitely mommies little helper. out of all them he's always in the thick of things. he assisted my sister in making the pumpkin cheesecake which was very good and he even vacuumed using the dust buster. he's full of questions and doesn't hesitate to ask you things over and over again. what a bright little guy.

chef davis

little paige—what do i say about a true princess. she sure does love her stuffed animals and television. i'm not sure how she keeps track of all of their names. paige has a flare for the dramatics. a definite actress in the making. by far her favorite thing to say is, "i never get to...". then has a little tantrum and seconds later is back to her sweet little self. she's a cuddlier. anytime i was on the sofa lying down, she'd lay right next to me. what a sweety. she's also the budding artist. she loves to draw and make things. she made me a charm braclet. how sweet is that!

paige headband

what else can i say. there was no family drama or bs. it was only filled with fun times. now, that's the way it should be. i'm glad i had the opportunity to get there. i think i would have been even more depressed if i hadn't. i'm looking forward to many more fun-filled family days. perhaps there will even be a holiday at the beach...

group shot

the flights there and back were pretty uneventful. i had to rush to my connecting flight on the way to miami. on the return flight i got stuck between a grandma and her grandson. not sure how that happened but neither one seemed to mind. i spoke with the grandma from wyoming for a little bit. they had just been on a caribbean cruise. how fun does that sound. on the last leg on my journey i got seated next to a couple and their baby. i think he could immediately see my dread because the first thing he said was that the baby doesn't cry much. and he was right. just where will i end up next is any one's else.

stay gold & be well…

holiday photos are here

p.s. i had chick-fil-a twice! double yum!

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