Sunday, December 07, 2008

west of the fields

previously on the e-list…

spent the day down in the mission district. my first stop: mission bazaar which was held at the armory. not one of the best bazaars i've been to. i was expecting more crafts on the cutesy side. this was one had mostly clothes. there were a couple of interesting vendors although their stuff was way out of my price range. my lighting bolt jacket seemed to be a hit. i got several compliments on it and someone even asked to take a picture of it. i'm sure the pattern will be appearing on their clothing in the near future.

afterwards, i strolled up & down valencia street searching out christmas goodies to no avail. in one shop, the clerk asked me if my watch had superpowers. i found some striped tube socks. the shop was selling them for $8 a pair. i had to pass on them. there were several d.i.y. shops along the sidewalks. i heard someone say that made pornoments one christmas. there was scary puppet thing on the street. i didn't like it at all. i saw some girl walk off with what looked like a velvet unicorn picture. on a pay phone i noticed this sticker:

jesus hates fun

it made me laugh. i realized i really do need to get more. there's lots of interesting things happening. its getting colder. i'm happy about that. i love cold weather. it gives me an excuse to bundle up. i like wearing scarves. getting my haircut tomorrow. hopefully, she won't screw it up. it's always a gamble getting it cut in my hood. just where will i end up next is any ones guess.

stay gold & be well…

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