Friday, January 18, 2008

rock lobster

previously on the e-list…

while going through boxes and boxes of my crap, i came upon some illustrations by my friend phil from when i was still living in o-town. the mini-comics were based on things we experienced: whether it was a night out at wally's, dancing at barbarella, our trip to disney, etc. there's also his interpretation of our group of friends as the star wars characters. of course i had to be c3po. still not sure how i feel about that one. looking at these drawings has brought back so many memories. it seems like a lifetime ago. since leaving florida, oh so many years ago, i've sort of lost touch with phil and for that matter many of the others featured in the pictures. although i have been reunited with kathy via facebook. it's funny because phil and i have a lot of friends in common and he's even married to one of my childhood friends. but somewhere down the line our friendship just sort of fizzled. i guess that happens in life. people come and go. they fill a need and then once fulfilled move on. and in return you make new friends. its circle of life. so where am i going with all this? not really sure. just rambling and giving a nod to those people that were once in my life and have now moved on. i also wanted to share some of the drawings with you.

star wars


to see the others plus pictures taken with my holga over christmas click here

stay gold & be well…

p.s. the other day upon entering my apartment building an old asian woman told me i was so handsome and that i looked like a movie star. i sure do love living here. hehe


Pevil said...

Of course you were C3PO, he was the gayest of the droids! I love the holga pics. Nice work. The ebb and flow of friends. It's a beautiful thing. Really.

Scott said...

Man, you rock Ethan. I'm so stoked you held onto those Noto drawings.

Hey, if you think it's bad you were C3P0, it could be worse.

I'm depicted as Luke Skywalker. Intergalactic whiner extraordinaire.