Monday, October 23, 2006


this was me on saturday night trying to get back to seoul:

not sure why it was soooo damn packed. i literally got shoved into the train from all the people behind me. the whole time all i could do was laugh. i could barely keep my balance. my bag was twisted all about, elbows were in my back, etc. with every stop more and more people piled into the maxed out car. at one point i was smashed up against 3 aunties. luckily for me i wear big shoes so breathing was fine. unfortunately for those shorter than me it meant they had to deal with my pits.

in other exciting news my evil taekwondo bear phone charm has endured serious battle wounds. he has lost both an arm and a leg. the leg is m.i.a. the arm was recovered but realized the peg was busted off so it wouldn't fit back in the hole. i decided to have a proper burial for the arm and tossed it into the construction site of the church. r.i.p. etb arm. for now the rest of it will continue to adorn my phone until i find a suitable replacement.

it was quite nippy today. that made me happy. i smiled the whole way to school. i love this weather.

song i had on repeat today the whole way to school:
set the fire to the third bar by snow patrol featuring martha wainwright

be well…


Scott said...

I'm sure the Koreans LOVE your pits Ethan.

Did anyone pinch your ass?

Pevil said...

Squishy mck squish squish.