Tuesday, January 03, 2006

monkeys, bats, and statues…


…that must mean only one thing. part 2 of e's bali journey. yes, folks as if the first album wasn't enough i have one more for you to look at. i do hope you enjoy it. hello…there are monkeys in this bunch. who doesn't love monkeys. speaking of monkeys i almost bought a chain of hanging monkeys. basically they were a wooden version of monkeys in a barrel. its a good thing the merchant didn't meet my price. an hour later the novelty of them wore off. thats the main problem with bargining you get so caught up that you start buying crap you don't really want just to make a deal. without further ado i give you…

photo album 2

be well…


Pevil said...

I see you fruit bat eating melon! You have my camera!

hez said...

gosh the bat was so cute! i want one! sad for those poor little piggies.

Unknown said...

I used to have pictures of those same bats in my locker in high school... long before I ever started collecting the wayang puppets and masks. Yeah, I know. Most girls were boy crazy... I was just batty.

BTW, I'm glad to finally see pics of the basket carriers. After dozens of pics of beautiful temples devoid of people, I was beginning to think you went to some abandoned island!