Monday, October 03, 2005

oh what a feeling…

no, i'm not singing or talking about that rockin' 80s song from irene cara. i'm referring to the snuffy nose, plugged ear, and overall tiredness that i'm still feeling. once again i spent a 3 day weekend trying to rid myself of this pesty bug. fall has shown herself, however, i can't quite enjoy it yet. i did manage to venture into seoul on sunday. i needed to go to the bookstore. it pretty much sucked out all of my energy. afterwards i had some yummy tofu soup with hyun-sik. then we walked over to see the newly opened canal. apparently it use to be a street that they turned into a canal. go figure. anyway there was some kind of celebration. people were walking along the path on either side as well as walking in the canal itself. here's are some pics:

the masses

helmets: the new fashion

there were also lots of monks around too. not really sure why. nor did i bother to find out. wasn't feeling up it to. some were given out posters for 1000 won. some were writing on paper. not really sure what that was about either. i did manage to get a poster though. have no clue what it says but it looks cool. then i saw a scary albino mime who was like eight feet tall. nightmares anyone.

monk writing

hi, scary!

be well…


Pevil said...

I'm a canal walker....I'm a canal walker!

Misty L said...

mimes are creepy.