Thursday, October 06, 2005

ENT part 2

today i found myself once again sitting in a doctor's waiting room. no one told me that year two would be the year of uncurable ailments. it was basically a deja vu of the other day.
doctor: how is hearing?
me: much better.
doctor: left ear?
me: better.
doctor: right ear?
me: it's fine.
doctor: still stuffy?
me: yes
now it was time to check my throat, look in my ears, and flush out my nose. i'm not a big fan of the nose flushing. there's something about the whole spraying something in my nose then sucking it out that i just don't like. he also had me do the swallow water and squeeze air up my nose thing again. this time for each ear. he prescribed more meds and told me to come back on saturday. i think they just want my money. i did more of the breathing in fumes. actually i think its steamed menthol eucalyptus or something like that. got another shot. this time in my left hip. however, i did remember to get the phone number. i had christine call there when i got to ils. it turns out that i have nasal catrrh. whatever the hell that is. i tried to goggle it but didn't get much info. basically it comes to this:
CATARRH : Inflammation of mucus membranes with a resulting free discharge of mucus.
not very exciting huh. translation: i'm a boy with lots of mucus. i could have told you that. i still believe its somewhat related to really bad allergies. oh, my doctor did warn me of dust, cold, and dryness. can't wait to see what happens on saturday.

be well...


Unknown said...

It better not be that bird flu, dammit!

dac said...

maybe you're allergic to virtual bunnies

j. ethan duran said...

i'm not allergic to mister bunny. how could you say that. although i do have this new found fascination with birds…

Prattlepants said...

im obviously no medical professional, but i think youve been probed, sucked, and taken for all over nature's basic stuffy nose. if youre allergic to something or exposed to pollutants your body makes more mucus to keep the nasties out of your system. over-production of mucus creats irritation in the sinus walls, which can easily lead to infecton, which can feel like the curse of death. my prognisis? i think D-train is right, you need to ditch the virtual bunny.

j. ethan duran said...

why does everyone hate mister bunny.