Sunday, October 17, 2010

man-sized wreath

previously on the e-list…

Surprises. Who out there doesn't love surprises? I know that I love surprises. On Friday night, P&B took me out for my final birthday surprise. I love the fact that my birthday has stretched over five months. Extended birthday celebrations rock. My final surprise included a night out at Bourban & Branch, a throw back to the speakeasies of the 1920s. There's no name out front just a wooden door and a doorbell. After you ring the doorbell, someone comes out and asks you for the password. Yes, there was a secret password. Secret passwords are fun! The place is quite cool inside. I spent most of my evening drinking cucumber gimlets. All I can say is simply delicious. Before calling an end to the evening, P&B treated me to dinner at Dong Baek. Craving something deep fried, I went with the Kaon Poong Gi, wet fried chicken battered with spicy garlic sauce. My eyes watered just smelling it when it was brought out. None of us had been to Dong Baek before and I was pleasantly surprised with the food. It was quite good. Plus you've got to love a place that not other has good panch'an but brings out a lot of it. It was a great evening with the girls and a wonderful way to wrap up my five month birthday. Just where will I end up next is anyone's guess.

Stay gold & be well

1 comment:

Pevil said...

We had a great time with you Ethan! Let's get our next adventure planned!