Monday, April 30, 2007

capturing moods

* this is a rather old rant that i've been waiting to post. better late than never

ever since the arrival of our new teachers back in august, whom i'll refer to as kazilla, the two-headed monster, our school hasn't quite been the same. they brought with them an air of negativity, disrespectfulness, immaturity, and blatant laziness. kazilla seems to be of the "me" generation. not really concerned with others except themselves. being a fellow american, their actions were often quite embarrassing. on several occasions the koreans have asked if their behavior is typical of americans. to which i had to answer no. kazilla is of the sort that love to hear themselves speak. no matter how inappropriate it is. a needy being. kazilla was looking for anything out there to make itself feel good. its a needy creature. i was quite happy when kazilla quit my taekwondo class. they often treated my master with disrespect and would run its mouth about inappropriate things. once kazilla was discussing how it was going to please her man over the weekend. i don't care if the kids understand english or not. that kind of conversation should not be discussed in a class with children. kazilla's antics didn't stop there. even at school it often treated the job with discontempt. kazilla came in late, spoke in a language unsuitable for school, and discussed personal matters in the classroom. i got word that kazilla told her students she had over 50 boyfriends. then she went on to discuss the private lives of other teachers including myself. mainly how this teacher liked that one and how i liked boys. i'm not ashamed of being gay but there are certain things about my life especially being in korea that just aren't meant for the students to know. i have sat back for the past five months holding my breathe. it got to a point where my boss asked me not to speak to them. it blows my mind that people don't know how to behave in a professional manner. during our halloween party i had to ask kazilla twice to get off the computer [she was on msn] and stay with her class. had kazilla been working back in the states they would have long been fired from this job. but seeing that this is korea and the stakes for the koreans are much higher its just not that simply. this past week kazilla quit. needless to say i was thrilled. hopefully now we'll get back on track.

update: there was a brief moment when my boss tried to convince one of them to stay longer. which i couldn't believe. i think that was the point where i lost complete faith in the school. even though she said she would she left that weekend leaving a note telling them. kazilla is definitely going to have a rude awakening back in the states. but good riddance.

stay gold & be well…


Kate said...

and good riddance to 'em!!! sorry you've been having a tough time. glad the kids are helping you through it. NIIICE 'do! many hugs to you.

Pevil said...

EEEEEEWWWWWW! That sounds terrible. Thank goodenss it's gone!