Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the running kind

i completely forgot to spill this bit of gossip i got back in october. shame. shame. while we were out celebrating halloween at manhattan western bar i ran into an old taekwondo classmate from the first school i attended. apparently he too had finally reached his point with master x and left. surprise, surprise. it seems that master x is still holding a grudge against me for leaving. which is completely strange since i didn't leave on bad terms. plus its been over a year now. he told my otc that if he sees me on the street he is going to jump out of his van and break my legs. master x has this notion that his business is failing because i'm going around telling all the foreigners here in ansan that master x is an ass and to avoid his school. oh, foolish little man. even though its true, i could really give a rat's ass about you or your class. i only wish i did think of starting a smear campaign against you. awhile ago i wanted to take a photo of me with my black belt and tape it to his door. i wish i had. that would have made him even angrier. also according to my otc, master x went so far as to threaten to kill him. otc went to the police but they didn't do anything about it. hmmm. so now i have some crazy taekwondo master on the hunt for me. obviously he doesn't practice what he preaches. now if only i'd be so lucky to run into him.

be well...


Scott said...

Bloody hell Ethan. Leave it to you to get involved in international espionage!

dac said...

you're lucky he's not a ninja. watch your ass my friend....

Bonnie Conquest said...

Thanks muchly for my card. You are the bomb. Love you, love your work.

Kate said...

yikes! master x is scary.

Prattlepants said...

dude, wtf? i still think that guy had some kind of perverted crush on you which would explain his reaction to your leaving... or he's just completely insane... or both. dont forget to practice your killer moves and watch your back boo.