Tuesday, December 06, 2005


shygirl, shygirl, your nothing but a shygirl. thats my new song. it was inspired by of all things a t-shirt that one of my students had on. peter came to school yesterday wearing a grey turtleneckish kind of shirt. i say turtleneckish because although it looked like one from the front, the collar was actually split in the back. as he was running around the halls i noticed the black "sh" and the glitter on the front. when he came to my class i got a closer look. thats when i noticed that it said "shygirl". obviously a hand-me-down from his older sister yuni who i also teach. i'm not sure he really understood what the shirt said. and for that innocence i'm truly jealous. if a boy in the states wore a "shygirl" shirt to school it would be all over for him. forever being teased. however, thats not the case here. because like peter no one gets what the shirt shirt says. and besides the guys shirts are so feminine looking its hard to determine what is guys and what is girls sometimes. there's been a couple of times i was in a shop and couldn't tell if i was looking at boy shirts are not. all during class when peter misbehaved i kept calling him "shygirl". everytime i did he smiled really big. that class is definitely the "giggle" class. all him and chris do is laugh. it reallly puts you in a good mood. we were reading a story yesterday and the word "sax" was in there. of course both of them kept saying "sex" and laughing. then peter pointed to the old man in the book and called him chris. that seemed to make him laugh even more. i'm reallly glad i got this class back. i missed them.

as i climbed the stairs to taekwondo i kept hearing a "santa song" over and over again. when i rounded the corner i noticed that the lights were dimmed and the music was getting louder. i saw my kwanganim standing in front of christmas. next to the tree was a 3 foot singing/dancing santa. please save me! i must have heard the song 5 times within 10 minutes. it was great to see them getting ready for the holidays but the thought of having to listen to it everyday makes me want to scream. one student came into the practice space humming the song and imitating the dancing santa.

so a few weeks ago i was surfing the web and came upon this site music gorilla vs. bear. i think i actually found it either via misty or bagelradio. anyway this site contains lots of indie band info, reviews, ramblings, and samples. i felt like i struck gold. having been in korean for the past year finding new music has been almost impossible. thank gawd i had bagelradio to get me through lonely nights. now i have this new site where i can find new music to enjoy, too. and i did just that. i now have a new favorite band smoosh. they are merely young girls 9 and 11 from seattle. i love this album so much. i can't stop listening to it. they are the indie band version of hanson but a hell of a lot better. i highly recommend that you all check them out. i might start the offical smoosh fan club. hee hee.

today tips
on sleuthing
convertibles are swell but they sure do call attention to your comings and goings.
— the haunted showboat, nancy drew

survival tactics
always pack two overnight bags in case you have to stay over until the next day.
— the bombay boomerang, the hardy boys

be well…


Pevil said...

Shygirl. It doesn't get any better than that! Maybe you should get one of those shirts.

Misty L said...

OMG SMOOSH!! I saw them during noisepop this past year and they were AWESOME! So cute and talented. I love them. YAY!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the links! I'd heard SMOOSH a while back, but didn't manage to catch the name... I recognized them instantly thanks to your link. You're awesome... and I want one of those Shygirl shirts for Xmas!

Kate said...

you cannot escape the Rite Aid/CVS/Walgreens scary musical santas. Even in Korea. my sympathies.

and on another note..smoosh is the cutest ever. thanks e!