Sunday, September 25, 2005


here's what i spent my weekend doing…NOTHING!!!! i was a complete bum. the only time i left my house was for some soda and chips. pathetic. its been 11 days and i'm still not better. during the day i'm fine but as soon as i lay down its wheezing and coughing. so much for the korean meds i bought. me and my primastine mist are have a very passionate love affair right now. i just might have to take that big step and see a doctor. why can't i be me again. pre-wheezing, pre-coughing. at times it really drives me crazy. enough bitching. i did manage to squeeze in plenty of tv time while i was doing nothing. here's what i watched:

1. 5 episodes of popular
2. batman beginsnn
3. survivor
4. survivor live on
5. reunion

i'm actually looking forward to going to school tomorrow. imagine that. i got word from my taekwondo master that i won't be taking my black belt test in october. its been delayed until december. apparently i'm not quite ready yet. which is actually fine with me. i want to go into the test knowing my shit. i did something really ethan the other day. i went to the market to buy groceries and i bought something that looked liked ground beef. it was sort of shaped like a hamburger. i know. i know. i broke my own rule. on the picture though it looks like you put it in soup so i figured why not. anyway during checkout the owner asked me if i knew what this stuff was. of course i say yes pretending that i do. i'm not even sure why i did. maybe i was too embarassed to say i didn't. then he asked if i really like this stuff. again, i'm like oh yeah. to which he replies most people think its stinky. so now i'm thinking what the hell is this stuff. but i'm in too deep to say nevermind. at this point an older foreign guy who i've seen before is in line. the owner asks him if he likes this stuff. he says he doesn't know what it is. why couldn't i have said that. now i'm stuck with some stinky hamburger looking thing thats going to be totally gross. i should have just said i didn't know from the beginning but no i gotta pretend to be all down with korean food. i haven't tried it yet. i'm almost too afraid. it only cost 600 won [$.60] so i'm not that worried about it. the price alone should have been a tip off.

be well…


Pevil said...

Perhaps it is swine ass.

hez said...

you KNOW that when the koreans don't like it that it has to be bad. yeah. good luck with that!

dac said...

be a good zombie and eat your brains