no this isn't a new installment of the hbo movies. although it could be. perhaps even one day it will but in the meantime here's the low down. it all started when i moved into my new apartment. one day as i was walking down the hall i heard some moaning. at first i thought i was just hearing things so i stopped to listen more carefully. yes, it was clearly moaning i heard. the type of moaning one makes during the throws of passion. apparently it was coming from my neighbor's apartment [302]. the love making sounds were leaking right out from her front door. boy, was she loud. my intial thought was to ring her doorbell and run. i didn't. instead i went on about my day. a few days passed and i'm sitting on the floor typing on my computer when i heard crying. not just crying but full on hysterical wailing. granted in apartments you can usually hear noises especially when the window are open. however, not only were my windows shut but my air conditioner was blasting and music was playing. plus the walls are concrete. so you know it was loud. i kept muted my music to make sure i wasn't hearing things. i even went out onto my balcony and sure enough i figured out it was from my neighbor. talk about LOUD. a week passes and all's quiet. then one saturday while i was home i start to hear things being thrown against the wall. she starts wailing. then i hear some man yelling. more things are being smashed against the wall. its beginning to sound like a war zone in there. then all goes silent. at school i was mentioning this to christine. she told me that 302 is a "bar" girl. which basically means a prostitute, hooker, lady of the evening, escort, whore. you get the picture. to which christine adds that she's probably crying because she doesn't like her job. imagine that. or perhaps she doesn't like getting beat up. anyway the next week or so all is pretty quiet. no crying, no moaning. then a couple of nights ago i'm woken up at 2am with the sounds of fucking. i'm talking full on moaning, screaming, bed hitting the wall fucking. and believe me this was no dream. she kept getting louder and louder. the i heard someone yelling be quiet in korean, which sounded like a foreigner trying to speak korean, which meant horace. didn't shut her up though. the pounding and screaming continued. than five minutes later a woman started yelling something. most likely it was one of the tennants in the other building. finally all sounds from 302 had stopped. the climax never got reached or at least i didn't hear it. a couple of days later i found a note taped to my door. it was written in korean. they used black ink except for some words they wents to emphasize by using red. was this a complaint. and was it for me. i look at it more closely. at the top was 302. did someone mistakenly put this note on my door or did 302 put it there thinking that i was yelling at her. i took the note to school for translation. it was a note to 302 complaining about all the noise. i later found out that horace had a friend write that note and taped it to 302's door. apparently she found it and taped it on my thinking i put it there. go figure. anyway since then my hooker neighbor has been quiet. we'll see how long the silence lasts. there's a part of me that misses all the excitement that 302 brings. its like livin in the korean ghetto.
be well...
striding out of the hotel lobby, brandishing two hardened pitas, cometh jethan! and he gives a cruel scream:
"i'm going to pummel you until you purr like a bitch-kitten!"
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
today i saw some school boys catching dragonflies. the poor little creatures didn't stand a chance. the boys were climbing through the bushes. their little hands extended out reaching for the tails of the dragonflies. a majority of the boys were successful. clutching onto to the tails of their victims. they paraded around with their score. happy as could be. i saw the tiny wings of the dragonflies fluttering as they made every attempt to fly away. little did they know it was hopeless. there was one boy you had a dragonfly in each hand. hopefully the captors will have their fun then let their prey free. i hate to think that these poor little creatures will end up in a jar in some boys room. but then again i can't really condem them. i was a child too once using creatures that i found for my play things. when i was a wee little lad in florida i use to catch grasshoppers in the summer placing them in little plastic boats in my pool. we'd play titanic. the poor grasshoppers never had a chance; however, i never let them drown. the other big creature trend in middle school was to catch lizards. once caught we'd open their mouths and clip them to our ears to make earrings. not sure why we thought that was so cool but we did. and let's not forget the lighting bugs. whenever we'd go to new jersey to visit my sister and i would catch lighting bugs in a jar. we keep them in there for awhile and eventually let them out. its funny how as kids we have some fascination with bugs and little creatures. never afraid to touch them. play with them. then something happens as we get older. we start becoming afraid of them. they become evil like spiders, roaches, and bees. i'd have to say that out of those three i'm probably most afraid of bees. which is a direct result of being stung over 50 times as a child. it happened while we were visiting my grandparents in new jersey. poppop,my grandfather, took my sister, her friend, and i for a walk in the woods after hours of us nagging him. we came to this hill and decided to slide down. we had no clue the within the ground were a bunch of beehives. needless to say it didn't turn out pretty. the bees were pissed that we ransack their houses and attacked us. poppop did he best to try to swat the bees off of us but there were far too many. we ran back to nana's house screaming bloody murder. i think my sister was the loudest. my mom ripped off our clothes and throw us into a cold bath to try to relax us. my body was covered with stings. poppop managed to escape sting free. ever since then whenever i hear a buzz i completely freak out. perhaps onceday i can finally be over this fear but for now i'll always keep a look out for enemy number bee.
be well...
today i saw some school boys catching dragonflies. the poor little creatures didn't stand a chance. the boys were climbing through the bushes. their little hands extended out reaching for the tails of the dragonflies. a majority of the boys were successful. clutching onto to the tails of their victims. they paraded around with their score. happy as could be. i saw the tiny wings of the dragonflies fluttering as they made every attempt to fly away. little did they know it was hopeless. there was one boy you had a dragonfly in each hand. hopefully the captors will have their fun then let their prey free. i hate to think that these poor little creatures will end up in a jar in some boys room. but then again i can't really condem them. i was a child too once using creatures that i found for my play things. when i was a wee little lad in florida i use to catch grasshoppers in the summer placing them in little plastic boats in my pool. we'd play titanic. the poor grasshoppers never had a chance; however, i never let them drown. the other big creature trend in middle school was to catch lizards. once caught we'd open their mouths and clip them to our ears to make earrings. not sure why we thought that was so cool but we did. and let's not forget the lighting bugs. whenever we'd go to new jersey to visit my sister and i would catch lighting bugs in a jar. we keep them in there for awhile and eventually let them out. its funny how as kids we have some fascination with bugs and little creatures. never afraid to touch them. play with them. then something happens as we get older. we start becoming afraid of them. they become evil like spiders, roaches, and bees. i'd have to say that out of those three i'm probably most afraid of bees. which is a direct result of being stung over 50 times as a child. it happened while we were visiting my grandparents in new jersey. poppop,my grandfather, took my sister, her friend, and i for a walk in the woods after hours of us nagging him. we came to this hill and decided to slide down. we had no clue the within the ground were a bunch of beehives. needless to say it didn't turn out pretty. the bees were pissed that we ransack their houses and attacked us. poppop did he best to try to swat the bees off of us but there were far too many. we ran back to nana's house screaming bloody murder. i think my sister was the loudest. my mom ripped off our clothes and throw us into a cold bath to try to relax us. my body was covered with stings. poppop managed to escape sting free. ever since then whenever i hear a buzz i completely freak out. perhaps onceday i can finally be over this fear but for now i'll always keep a look out for enemy number bee.
be well...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
school yard
on my way to school today i passed by a middle school. a group of school boys dressed in their uniforms were playing basketball. the best part was that a majority of them were wearing socks and sandals. i wanted to stay and watch but i needed to get food. it was at that moment i realized i really do like it here. i'm completely fascinated by asian cultures. perhaps i'm part asian afterall. i don't want to leave.
be well...
on my way to school today i passed by a middle school. a group of school boys dressed in their uniforms were playing basketball. the best part was that a majority of them were wearing socks and sandals. i wanted to stay and watch but i needed to get food. it was at that moment i realized i really do like it here. i'm completely fascinated by asian cultures. perhaps i'm part asian afterall. i don't want to leave.
be well...
space pod from planet korea
last night after watching two episodes of the hardy boys/nancy drew mysteries i was so tired that i thought i was actually going to sleep through the night. no such luck. i awoke at 2am wheezing and coughing. i spent the next 3 hours reading blogs about foreigners living in korea. one girl's experience sounded absolutely awful. around 5:30am i decided to try to get a few more hours of sleep. i managed to sleep until 10am. needless to say i got nothing accomplished this morning. didn't quite have the energy to study korean. jeff,who's one of my students, his mom is a pharmacist. jk called her so that she could recommend a doctor in the area. the next thing i knew she was picking me up at 2pm and taking me to the doctors. on the way there i explained to her my symptoms. thankfully she spoke fairly good english and could understand it too. granted we are probably around the same age but as soon as i walked in the doctor's office with her i felt ten years old. i had to write my name, phone number, and birth date on a piece of paper for the nurse. well, actually jeff's mom wrote them for me. hence the feeling of a ten year old. then i had to get my blood pressure taken. it was almost as if i had no idea what was happening. we returned to our seats and a couple minutes later i was called to the doctor's office. i explained to her my symptoms and jeff's mom helped translate. my doctor could speak a little english but not good enough for us to have a conversation. plus i think i was talking a bit too fast for her. there was a lot of korean happening in that office. i basically sat there staring at them doe-eyed. the doc asked me several questions about my health and then said she was going to give me a chest x-ray and a lung test. oh joy. back to the waiting room we wait. a few minutes later then i'm called into the x-ray room. i had to stand against a metal plate on the wall. she told me to take a deep breathe [in korean of course] and before i knew it…viola it was done. back to the waiting room. it was starting to feel like a game. sit down, stand up, walk into this room, sit down, stand up, etc. now it was time for the lung test. before starting they had to measure my height. after taking off my big shoes to which the nurse was simply staring, i stood on some machine where the top part moves down until it hits your head. then its done. the nurse started talking to me in korean about breathing. i stared. did alot of uh-huhs too. then i had to practice taking deep breathes. she started pointing to my stomach and for a minute i thought she was saying i was too fat. i'm thinking what the hell does that have to do with anything. then i realized she was telling me to breathe from my stomach muscles not from my nose. ha ha. more practice time. at one point i looked up and both the nurse and jeff's mom are showing me how to do it. i am ten. finally it was time to put the machine in my mouth and blow. right before the nurse put a metal clothes pin thing on my nose so i could breathe threw it. i had to take two different tests like this. breathing six times for each one. very deep breathes the nurse said to me. when it was done i headed back to the waiting room. then i was called into the doctor's office. my chest x-ray was on a screen. i took my place on the little, black stool with wheels by the doc's desk. she told me that my x-ray was fine. as were the results of my lung test. everything is normal. that was a relief. but due to my symptoms she believes i have a mild case of bronchitis. very mild she said. she prescribed some antihistamines for me to take for 7 days plus an inhaler that i had to take for a month. the inhaler looked like an alien ship. how fun! the inhaler must be done twice a day and the pills at night. she wants me to come back in 7 days. in the meantime she said i need to rest, no smoke, no drink, and no teach english. i had to laugh at the last one. if only i could get out of teaching. not likely. she asked me where i was from. it appears that she has been to sf, la, and vegas. we chatted for a bit then she said bye-bye. it was very sudden. back to the waiting room to await the bill. for not having insurance the visit came to 20,000 won [$20]. not bad considering i had x-rays and several tests done. i use to pay more than that in the states. my meds on the other were very expensive. we went to jeff's mom's pharmacy to get them. it appears the inhaler is quite the costly item. alien technology ain't cheap i quess. even with the discount she gave me it was 60,000 won. yikes. this shit best be good. if it works then its totally worth it. jeff's mom then took me back to school. we talked a little in the car. she had been to sf too. she also told me that she's planning of going to seattle next year. then we were talking about taekwondo. jeff takes it too but not with me. she then told me have jeff keeps telling her that he wants me to come to their house or something like that. i couldn't quite understand. she asked if it was true. not really knowing what was said i answered yes. hopefully i didn't get myself into anyting too serious. when she dropped me off she told me that she'd pick me up next tuesday at the same time. how sweet is that. its so funny to think that my student's mom, who i really don't know, is doing all this stuff for me. the kindness of koreans. i'm definitely going to get her a thankyou gift this weekend. the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. it took all of my energy to make it through taekwondo. i was sweatin so much it was gross.
be well…
last night after watching two episodes of the hardy boys/nancy drew mysteries i was so tired that i thought i was actually going to sleep through the night. no such luck. i awoke at 2am wheezing and coughing. i spent the next 3 hours reading blogs about foreigners living in korea. one girl's experience sounded absolutely awful. around 5:30am i decided to try to get a few more hours of sleep. i managed to sleep until 10am. needless to say i got nothing accomplished this morning. didn't quite have the energy to study korean. jeff,who's one of my students, his mom is a pharmacist. jk called her so that she could recommend a doctor in the area. the next thing i knew she was picking me up at 2pm and taking me to the doctors. on the way there i explained to her my symptoms. thankfully she spoke fairly good english and could understand it too. granted we are probably around the same age but as soon as i walked in the doctor's office with her i felt ten years old. i had to write my name, phone number, and birth date on a piece of paper for the nurse. well, actually jeff's mom wrote them for me. hence the feeling of a ten year old. then i had to get my blood pressure taken. it was almost as if i had no idea what was happening. we returned to our seats and a couple minutes later i was called to the doctor's office. i explained to her my symptoms and jeff's mom helped translate. my doctor could speak a little english but not good enough for us to have a conversation. plus i think i was talking a bit too fast for her. there was a lot of korean happening in that office. i basically sat there staring at them doe-eyed. the doc asked me several questions about my health and then said she was going to give me a chest x-ray and a lung test. oh joy. back to the waiting room we wait. a few minutes later then i'm called into the x-ray room. i had to stand against a metal plate on the wall. she told me to take a deep breathe [in korean of course] and before i knew it…viola it was done. back to the waiting room. it was starting to feel like a game. sit down, stand up, walk into this room, sit down, stand up, etc. now it was time for the lung test. before starting they had to measure my height. after taking off my big shoes to which the nurse was simply staring, i stood on some machine where the top part moves down until it hits your head. then its done. the nurse started talking to me in korean about breathing. i stared. did alot of uh-huhs too. then i had to practice taking deep breathes. she started pointing to my stomach and for a minute i thought she was saying i was too fat. i'm thinking what the hell does that have to do with anything. then i realized she was telling me to breathe from my stomach muscles not from my nose. ha ha. more practice time. at one point i looked up and both the nurse and jeff's mom are showing me how to do it. i am ten. finally it was time to put the machine in my mouth and blow. right before the nurse put a metal clothes pin thing on my nose so i could breathe threw it. i had to take two different tests like this. breathing six times for each one. very deep breathes the nurse said to me. when it was done i headed back to the waiting room. then i was called into the doctor's office. my chest x-ray was on a screen. i took my place on the little, black stool with wheels by the doc's desk. she told me that my x-ray was fine. as were the results of my lung test. everything is normal. that was a relief. but due to my symptoms she believes i have a mild case of bronchitis. very mild she said. she prescribed some antihistamines for me to take for 7 days plus an inhaler that i had to take for a month. the inhaler looked like an alien ship. how fun! the inhaler must be done twice a day and the pills at night. she wants me to come back in 7 days. in the meantime she said i need to rest, no smoke, no drink, and no teach english. i had to laugh at the last one. if only i could get out of teaching. not likely. she asked me where i was from. it appears that she has been to sf, la, and vegas. we chatted for a bit then she said bye-bye. it was very sudden. back to the waiting room to await the bill. for not having insurance the visit came to 20,000 won [$20]. not bad considering i had x-rays and several tests done. i use to pay more than that in the states. my meds on the other were very expensive. we went to jeff's mom's pharmacy to get them. it appears the inhaler is quite the costly item. alien technology ain't cheap i quess. even with the discount she gave me it was 60,000 won. yikes. this shit best be good. if it works then its totally worth it. jeff's mom then took me back to school. we talked a little in the car. she had been to sf too. she also told me that she's planning of going to seattle next year. then we were talking about taekwondo. jeff takes it too but not with me. she then told me have jeff keeps telling her that he wants me to come to their house or something like that. i couldn't quite understand. she asked if it was true. not really knowing what was said i answered yes. hopefully i didn't get myself into anyting too serious. when she dropped me off she told me that she'd pick me up next tuesday at the same time. how sweet is that. its so funny to think that my student's mom, who i really don't know, is doing all this stuff for me. the kindness of koreans. i'm definitely going to get her a thankyou gift this weekend. the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. it took all of my energy to make it through taekwondo. i was sweatin so much it was gross.
be well…
Sunday, September 25, 2005
here's what i spent my weekend doing…NOTHING!!!! i was a complete bum. the only time i left my house was for some soda and chips. pathetic. its been 11 days and i'm still not better. during the day i'm fine but as soon as i lay down its wheezing and coughing. so much for the korean meds i bought. me and my primastine mist are have a very passionate love affair right now. i just might have to take that big step and see a doctor. why can't i be me again. pre-wheezing, pre-coughing. at times it really drives me crazy. enough bitching. i did manage to squeeze in plenty of tv time while i was doing nothing. here's what i watched:
1. 5 episodes of popular
2. batman beginsnn
3. survivor
4. survivor live on
5. reunion
i'm actually looking forward to going to school tomorrow. imagine that. i got word from my taekwondo master that i won't be taking my black belt test in october. its been delayed until december. apparently i'm not quite ready yet. which is actually fine with me. i want to go into the test knowing my shit. i did something really ethan the other day. i went to the market to buy groceries and i bought something that looked liked ground beef. it was sort of shaped like a hamburger. i know. i know. i broke my own rule. on the picture though it looks like you put it in soup so i figured why not. anyway during checkout the owner asked me if i knew what this stuff was. of course i say yes pretending that i do. i'm not even sure why i did. maybe i was too embarassed to say i didn't. then he asked if i really like this stuff. again, i'm like oh yeah. to which he replies most people think its stinky. so now i'm thinking what the hell is this stuff. but i'm in too deep to say nevermind. at this point an older foreign guy who i've seen before is in line. the owner asks him if he likes this stuff. he says he doesn't know what it is. why couldn't i have said that. now i'm stuck with some stinky hamburger looking thing thats going to be totally gross. i should have just said i didn't know from the beginning but no i gotta pretend to be all down with korean food. i haven't tried it yet. i'm almost too afraid. it only cost 600 won [$.60] so i'm not that worried about it. the price alone should have been a tip off.
be well…
here's what i spent my weekend doing…NOTHING!!!! i was a complete bum. the only time i left my house was for some soda and chips. pathetic. its been 11 days and i'm still not better. during the day i'm fine but as soon as i lay down its wheezing and coughing. so much for the korean meds i bought. me and my primastine mist are have a very passionate love affair right now. i just might have to take that big step and see a doctor. why can't i be me again. pre-wheezing, pre-coughing. at times it really drives me crazy. enough bitching. i did manage to squeeze in plenty of tv time while i was doing nothing. here's what i watched:
1. 5 episodes of popular
2. batman beginsnn
3. survivor
4. survivor live on
5. reunion
i'm actually looking forward to going to school tomorrow. imagine that. i got word from my taekwondo master that i won't be taking my black belt test in october. its been delayed until december. apparently i'm not quite ready yet. which is actually fine with me. i want to go into the test knowing my shit. i did something really ethan the other day. i went to the market to buy groceries and i bought something that looked liked ground beef. it was sort of shaped like a hamburger. i know. i know. i broke my own rule. on the picture though it looks like you put it in soup so i figured why not. anyway during checkout the owner asked me if i knew what this stuff was. of course i say yes pretending that i do. i'm not even sure why i did. maybe i was too embarassed to say i didn't. then he asked if i really like this stuff. again, i'm like oh yeah. to which he replies most people think its stinky. so now i'm thinking what the hell is this stuff. but i'm in too deep to say nevermind. at this point an older foreign guy who i've seen before is in line. the owner asks him if he likes this stuff. he says he doesn't know what it is. why couldn't i have said that. now i'm stuck with some stinky hamburger looking thing thats going to be totally gross. i should have just said i didn't know from the beginning but no i gotta pretend to be all down with korean food. i haven't tried it yet. i'm almost too afraid. it only cost 600 won [$.60] so i'm not that worried about it. the price alone should have been a tip off.
be well…
bands i've seen
some more mini-vids of bands that i've seen here.
some bands from skunk hell april05:
watch me!band1
watch me!band2
watch me!shorty cat
drunken tiger at club b&b march05:
watch me!drunken tiger1
watch me!drunken tiger2
some more mini-vids of bands that i've seen here.
some bands from skunk hell april05:
watch me!band1
watch me!band2
watch me!shorty cat
drunken tiger at club b&b march05:
watch me!drunken tiger1
watch me!drunken tiger2
Thursday, September 22, 2005
historic site number 267
on monday i found myself train bound for amsa-dong, gangdong-gu. destination the amsa-dong prehistoric settlement site, historic site number 267. it's the largest neolithic settlement site in korea. there's not a whole lot to see besides the pit-houses, the exhibition halls, and some ostriches but it was all well worth the trip. and besides it only cost 500 won which is like $.50. it was quite interesting to see how they lived back then. the entire settlement area is quite big. lots of open space, trees, flowers, etc. i saw two korean women painting. after touring the site hyun-sik and i headed to the coex where i did some shopping. it was hella crazy. we tried to see charlie and the chocolate factory but it was sold out. i did see a lesbian couple [foreigners of course] holding hands in a coffee shop. sweet. for a minute i felt like i was back in san francisco. after we headed over to gangnam for some thai food. unfortunately that place was closed. instead we ended up at a dumpling restaurant and had steamed dumplings and dumpling soup. it was quite tastey. spent the rest of the evening relaxing. lately for some reason i've had major allergies this year. wheezing, coughing, stuffy nose. it makes sleeping such a joy. hopefully it'll pass soon.
be well...
snaps from amsa-dong prehistoric settlement site
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
oh, what, wow
have you ever had that one song that totally made your day. it unexpectly comes on and immediately puts you in a happy, i don't give a damn, i'm gonna sing as loud as i can kind of moods. well, that happened to me today. i was walking home from taekwondo listening to my ipod [which happened to be on shuffle] feeling tired and thinking about what i was going to eat when i get home. then all of sudden it comes on…
oh, what, wow
he’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
that I’ve ever seen
oh, what, wow
he’s the greatest dancer
oh, what, wow
the next thing i know i'm busting out taekwondo moves to the song as well as singing. all of this while i'm walking down the street. the tiredness i felt was replaced with a feeling of elation. nothing could go wrong as long as sister sledge's "he's the greatest dancer" was playing. as the song continued i started to think about the days that jane and i use to out disco dancing in baltimore. i can't remember the name of the club but every saturday night jane and i would be there getting our groove. there's something about disco music that makes me happy. perhaps i was suppose to be a teenager in the 70s or perhaps its the carefreeness of the music that makes one want to sing, dance, and be happy. whatever the reason i must thank sister sledge for turning my frown upside.
be well…
have you ever had that one song that totally made your day. it unexpectly comes on and immediately puts you in a happy, i don't give a damn, i'm gonna sing as loud as i can kind of moods. well, that happened to me today. i was walking home from taekwondo listening to my ipod [which happened to be on shuffle] feeling tired and thinking about what i was going to eat when i get home. then all of sudden it comes on…
oh, what, wow
he’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
that I’ve ever seen
oh, what, wow
he’s the greatest dancer
oh, what, wow
the next thing i know i'm busting out taekwondo moves to the song as well as singing. all of this while i'm walking down the street. the tiredness i felt was replaced with a feeling of elation. nothing could go wrong as long as sister sledge's "he's the greatest dancer" was playing. as the song continued i started to think about the days that jane and i use to out disco dancing in baltimore. i can't remember the name of the club but every saturday night jane and i would be there getting our groove. there's something about disco music that makes me happy. perhaps i was suppose to be a teenager in the 70s or perhaps its the carefreeness of the music that makes one want to sing, dance, and be happy. whatever the reason i must thank sister sledge for turning my frown upside.
be well…
Sunday, September 18, 2005
hair reflection…
today [sunday, sept 18] i got inspired to actually go through all of my online photo albums and grab some of my favorite imagines to upload onto my ipod. after going through mine i went to misty's pas and started to look through the years gone past. it seemed like every time i went to a different pa i had a different hairstyle. while most of you were watching the emmy's judging the celebs fashions i was looking at the hair dos and don'ts for myself. for your enjoyment here are some of the looks i tried to get away with. vote on your favorite and let me know. enjoy.
don't forget to vote. be well…
today [sunday, sept 18] i got inspired to actually go through all of my online photo albums and grab some of my favorite imagines to upload onto my ipod. after going through mine i went to misty's pas and started to look through the years gone past. it seemed like every time i went to a different pa i had a different hairstyle. while most of you were watching the emmy's judging the celebs fashions i was looking at the hair dos and don'ts for myself. for your enjoyment here are some of the looks i tried to get away with. vote on your favorite and let me know. enjoy.
from 2000
from 2001
from 2002
from 2003
from 2004
from 2005
don't forget to vote. be well…
Friday, September 16, 2005
battle cry
i found this "what is your battle cry" on my friend chen's blog. here's mine. what's yours?
i found this "what is your battle cry" on my friend chen's blog. here's mine. what's yours?
oh the things you see
as i walk around this lovely country there are many wonderous sites i see. whether its going back and forth to school or in seoul i'm constanstly looking around. sometimes i'm good about capturing these imagines and sometimes…well let's just say i'm not so good. i'm going to try to be better at actually busting out my camera. in the meantime here are a few random shots taken around korea.
church, ansan
seista, ansan
shrek live in korea, ansan
drying roots, apartment complex, ansan
shoe in pond, apartment complex, ansan
waiting to cross, ansan
hanging chiles, apartment complex, ansan
bikes, apartment complex, ansan
bridge to school, ansan
d.i.y. stores, apartment complex, ansan
ad for photo studio, ansan
be well..
as i walk around this lovely country there are many wonderous sites i see. whether its going back and forth to school or in seoul i'm constanstly looking around. sometimes i'm good about capturing these imagines and sometimes…well let's just say i'm not so good. i'm going to try to be better at actually busting out my camera. in the meantime here are a few random shots taken around korea.










be well..
Thursday, September 15, 2005
korean lunch box
nothing much happening this week. school. sleep. taekwondo. sleep. etc. although i am having the worst sleep know to mankind this week. not sure if its allergies or not. i'm all stuffed up and usually around 4am i'm waking up and can't breathe. hopefully this will pass soon. i did manage to try a new restaurant near my hood. it was guite good. then again i really haven't had a bad meal here yet. some strange meals but not bad. knock on fake wood. the food was served in these tin containers. not so much now, but awhile ago children used these tin containers as lunch boxes. moms would pack it with rice and a fried egg. that's what we had. plus kimchi, pork [that tasted like pot roast], seaweed soup, and some sidedishes. when they brought out the lunch boxes with our rice and egg i was the unlucky one and got the plain sliver one. the girls on the other hand had cute characters on theirs. so unfair. the meal was really delicious. the kimchi tasted like sauerkraut. yummy. it was spicy too. my new mission now is to find some of these containers. i want a korean lunch box. christine said they sell them at the markets. i'm so there. the inside of the restaurant was pretty cool. there is a lot of graffiti/writing on the walls from customers. there's also a section of the menu where you can write comments. overall the decor was very earthy with lots of antiques here and there. here are some shots of the place:
be well…
nothing much happening this week. school. sleep. taekwondo. sleep. etc. although i am having the worst sleep know to mankind this week. not sure if its allergies or not. i'm all stuffed up and usually around 4am i'm waking up and can't breathe. hopefully this will pass soon. i did manage to try a new restaurant near my hood. it was guite good. then again i really haven't had a bad meal here yet. some strange meals but not bad. knock on fake wood. the food was served in these tin containers. not so much now, but awhile ago children used these tin containers as lunch boxes. moms would pack it with rice and a fried egg. that's what we had. plus kimchi, pork [that tasted like pot roast], seaweed soup, and some sidedishes. when they brought out the lunch boxes with our rice and egg i was the unlucky one and got the plain sliver one. the girls on the other hand had cute characters on theirs. so unfair. the meal was really delicious. the kimchi tasted like sauerkraut. yummy. it was spicy too. my new mission now is to find some of these containers. i want a korean lunch box. christine said they sell them at the markets. i'm so there. the inside of the restaurant was pretty cool. there is a lot of graffiti/writing on the walls from customers. there's also a section of the menu where you can write comments. overall the decor was very earthy with lots of antiques here and there. here are some shots of the place:
be well…
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