Thursday, July 19, 2007


I have a sequin for an eye
Pick a rose and hide my face
This is a bandit's life
It comes and goes and mends the breaks
Under a molten sky, beyond the road, we lie in wait
You think they know us now?
Wait 'til the stars come out
You'll see that…

deery lou.
youth. there are days when i sometimes yearn to return to my youth. to a time when things are so new. a time when you have the whole world at your feet. just waiting for you to take a piece of it. we had our monthly visit to the swimming pool today. of course it was raining, not that it really matters since its indoors. however, it seems to rain every pool day. i met a friend today at the pool while i was sitting on the stairs watching my students go around and around the circular pool. we got to talking. his english was good. most likely the result of having lived in canada since he was 8 years old. i found out he is spending his summer in korea with his family. he told me his dad lives in korea while the rest of his family lives in canada. at first i thought he was a college student but later found out he was in high school. fifteen to be precise. that's what got me thinking about when i was 15. he seemed completely bored. the result of having no friends in korea. we chatted for a bit, then i had to go round up students who were wildly running around the pool.

there was a lot more action at the pool this time. i didn't wear my contacts or glasses so it was kind of hard to keep track of the kids. for a while i had to play boat with joanna, who just so happens to be the biggest girl in our school. we were chasing sea monsters. we managed to kill at least 7 of them. i did manage to squeeze in a little break by sneaking off to the pool area that has the massaging jets. it felt so good. there was also a group of "special" needs adults at the pool. one of them kept bobbing up and down the whole time they went around. every time he passed someone he would splash them. i'm not sure if he was aware of the strength he had. it made me nervous every time he got near one of the children. on one of his passes he stopped in front of my as i sat on the edge of the pool. he held out his hand as if he wanted to shake. i returned the gesture. before i knew what had happened he had pulled me into the water. i had be right. he was quite strong. i managed to break his grip. he went on bobbing down the pool. one of the people watching them came over and bowed and said sorry. so while most of the teachers were watching the students, anna teacher [the head teacher] spent the pool time sleeping in a lounge chair. i still can't believe it. if only i had my camera to capture that kodak moment. her laziness has gotten out of control. and now that she claims to be pregnant it's only gotten worse. she's not married so i'm not exactly sure what the school's is going to be about that. and the dad happens to be one of the bus drivers. its like i'm living in my own personal korean drama.

tomorrow night is our pajama party. the kindergarten classes are going to be spending the night at school. i'm actually dreading the sleep over. i mean who the hell wants to spend the night at school. not me. it has the makings of pure chaos. i just hope they get good snacks. after all snacks can make or break a party.

stay gold & be well…

1 comment:

KorJen said...

OMG... preggers by the bus driver? That is juicy gossip!