Saturday, July 14, 2007

paint's peeling

so the picture you see above was drawn by andy. andy's one of those "special" children. he's definitely in his own little world but often times his art is so expressive. not sure what it is about his stick figures but they speak volumes to me. lately he's been on a kick where he is fixated on his pink watch. every five seconds he's checking the time. i have to tell him 3 or 4 times to stop looking at the watch. now when i call his name he says "yes, no watch." love that little guy.

on friday night i met up with some my fellow foreign co-workers for some beers. i ended up at some underground russian bar in the middle of an apartment complex. it was like walking into a completely different world. a world where korean was the language of choice. even the asians spoke russian. they didn't know a word of korean. it was some girl's birthday which meant vodka shots were happening all night long. i finally had to drag myself out of there around 3 am. this body just can't handle vodka shots.

on saturday i went to itaewon to get a visa for vietnam. yes, i'm going to vietnam for vacation. i decided at the last minute that i should take advantage of going to one more place before heding back to the states. i'm going with no set agenda. i sort of just want to experience what happens when ni get there. it should be exciting.

heading off to hongdae to meet up with a friend for lunch. i'm starting to get in my final goodbyes before the big day on sept 1. i'm really looking forward to getting back home. its been too long.

stay gold & be well…


Scott said...

Vietnam! Excellent choice Ethan.

It's one place I wish I would've gone to when I was over in Asia.

Pevil said...

Be sure to go to Hanoi. Saigon is cool and all but it's the true Vietnam in the north. You will dig it. Have fun!

Misty L said...

did you get to wear a fur coat at the russian bar?!?!

Kate said...

Enjoy Vietnam, E. I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Prattlepants said...

in response to anything negative you can now say indignantly, "oh yeah??? well I was in NAM!"
