Thursday, July 05, 2007

i'm the only one

tonight the hardy boys in the mystery of the stolen stickers. the part of frank hardy will be played by yours truly.hehe. a couple of weeks ago i noticed that a stack of stickers were missing from my drawer at school. then a few days later some candy was gone. my first thought was to install a baby cam to catch the culprit but i knew the koreans wouldn't go for it. then i thought perhaps i'll set up a sting operation but that required too much work. i spoke to my students about going through my stuff hoping that the guilty one would confess. then i realized that they probably had no clue as to what i was saying. as the days passed i sat thinking about you could have taken them. the prime suspects would be the kindergarten kids since they spend the most time at school. but which one of those cuties could be behind such an act. they all look so innocent. i asked the korean teachers to speak to the students. it seemed that i was the only one who thought this was a big deal. it finally took some stickers missing from a korean teachers room for them to finally speak to them. unfortunately the guilty one still didn't confess. i tried snooping in their backpacks but didn't turn up anything. by now i figured the case would forever go unsolved. my luck would soon change when the other day i was looking at their daily report journals. sweet innocent skye's journal was decorated with stickers. stickers that happened to look exactly like the ones missing from my desk. coincidence, i think not. i mentioned it to the korean teachers. they all seemed surprised. it seems like syke has a case of sticky fingers which has now become her nickname. it makes perfect sense since sticky fingers guards her backpack as if it were gold. so yesterday in between classes elizabeth teacher told me that sticky fingers had something to say to me. i could see tears forming in her eyes. it took a few minutes but she was finally able to say sorry for taking my stickers. i immediately wanted to call the police but they felt that would be a bit harsh. i'm a firm believer that they are never too young for strict punishment. according to elizabeth who had asked sticky fingers about all her stickers, she first said that she found them stuck to her shoe in the playroom. not only does she steal but she's a mastermind at lying too. when elizabeth said she was going to call her mom the story changed. sticky fingers admitted that she wanted the stickers so while everyone was in the playroom she went into my classroom to get them. BUSTED!!! i tried to get her to confess to the candy but she didn't. i'm keeping a close eye on sticky fingers these days. she's a crafty one.

another case solved!

stay gold & be well…


Kate said...

ooh, nice job frank. it's always the quiet ones...

Misty L said...

Throw her in the slammer!

KorJen said...

kick her in the BOX!