Friday, June 22, 2007


another day at the pool with the kids has come and gone. this time around we only golfed and swam. no dancing. sigh… alot of the kids were complaining about blisters they got from swinging the golf clubs. a couple of the kids are actually quite good at it. andy was having an off day. he didn't want to do anything and most of the time i spent keeping an eye on him. he was running around like a mad man. pool time was pretty uneventful. they are pretty good at entertaining themselves in the water so all we really have to do is watch them. i took some time for myself and went into the massaging pool. i met an old korean woman there who kept telling me what to do. she didn't speak english but i did my best to figure out what she was saying. the massaging pool felt great. still haven't mastered the shower time with the boys. they still manage to run around like crazy graping the shower nozzles and shooting water all over the place. its hard not to laugh when they are doing it. not sure how parents deal on a regular basis.

the another day during art class i was sitting at my desk while the children were working on their project. i caught wind of this conversation where sarah kept looking for her pencil and eventually found it.

sarah: hey jon.
jon: what?
sarah: it fun. my pencil here. [points to the floor]. it fun.
irene: what fun?
sarah: my pencil here. [points to the floor]. it fun.
irene: it fun.
jon: it fun.

stay gold & be well…

p.s. i scored some homemade pickles from sarah's mom. yummy

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