Saturday, February 17, 2007

these days

well tomorrow begins the lunar new year [aka chinese new year]. the year of the pig [ding hai]. so long to the dog, what a bummer of a year it turned out to be. here's to hoping for all the best in the pig.

to start the new year off on the right foot i decided to clean, and i mean really clean, my apartment. fresh start, fresh year. my boss gave me some wine for the holiday. i also got a box of asian pears and some socks. oh joy more socks! i passed the socks off to one of the new teachers. this week was also valentine's day. i scored numerous amounts of chocolate from the kiddies. as well as some from the teachers. score!!

this week my ipod has played nothing but learn to sing like a star by kristin hersh. i can't get enough of it. i keep finding new favorites. then today i stumbled upon her video for in shock on youtube. oh, how i love youtube.


stay gold and be well…


Pevil said...

Happy New Year to you too Ethan! Here's to the year of the pig. Oink oink.

Prattlepants said...

gung hay fat choy!!!

hey, i'm a pig... but you probably already knew that :)

KorJen said...

oi! im addicted to youtube too... was up til 2am looking and posting... such fun