Wednesday, November 21, 2007

the hollows

previously on the e-list…

after 2 months and 21 days the search is finally over—I HAVE AN APARTMENT!!! i just got back from signing the lease. boy does that feel good. now i can start enjoying life again. the apartment will be available on 12.18, however i won't be able to move in until 12.29 since i'm off to miami and sunshine on 12.16. but at least i have a home. and its a good one. there's an awesome view of the city, presido, and even some mountains. it has hardwood floors, a decent sized kitchen, and a large walk in closet. and did i mention its all mine. hehe. the building itself is quite cool. its the tallest on the block. i can't wait to start decorating and settling in.

i hope everyone has an awesome holiday.

stay gold & be well…


Kate said...

YAY Ethan! Congratulations. You deserve this place.

Prattlepants said...


congrats... now we have reason to invade all of the .99 cent stores in your neighborhood!

Lisa said...

AWESOME!!!!!! so excited for you!

Pevil said...

Hooray! I am so excited for you! YAY!

Scott said...

I think I just heard your TV shout in joy.

Bonnie Conquest said...

Can't wait til you move in and get to decorate. Yay.